Give me the Splendid Silent Sun Summary: Finding Joy in the Everyday

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Give me the Splendid Silent Sun Summary: Finding Joy in the Everyday

Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun by Walt Whitman is a poem that celebrates the joy and beauty of everyday life. This essay will provide a summary and analysis of the poem, exploring how Whitman uses language and imagery to evoke a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around us. The piece will examine the themes of nature, human experience, and the contrast between urban and rural life present in the poem. The overview will highlight how Whitman’s poetic style and choice of subject matter work together to create a moving tribute to the simple pleasures and profound beauty of the world, encouraging readers to find joy in their own daily lives. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Poetry Analysis.

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In such a busy world, the everyday demands an overwhelming amount from each person; the average individual rarely slows down to appreciate the beauty of the present. Ralph Waldo Emerson claims, “The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common,” and it is this very approach to life that promises years full of peace and satisfaction.

The Pursuit of Simplicity and Fulfillment

The Sun, ubiquitous at each and every day’s beginning and end, is not commonly captured in an immensely powerful golden and glowing state.

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The sunrise emits a much more powerful beam that spreads much further than the typical afternoon rays. Glowing amongst a vague silhouette of houses, trees, and hills, the sight of this view, although not extremely rare, is unparalleled. While the common sight of the pale Sun symbolizes the opportunities that lie in a fresh start, the commencement of a stage in life that brings about the end of hardship and, instead, a positive new direction is portrayed by the powerful beams of the rising Sun. Despite these simple beauties so prevalent in the natural world, countless people are plagued with life-destroying hardships, such as injustice, the death of a loved one, or a broken relationship. The suffering consumes months, years, or even decades of one’s lifetime in many circumstances. The sunrise looming over the horizon promises hope for an end to painful suffering and represents the idealized yet elusive life full of joy. A message to take away from the sight of a beautiful sunrise is enjoying the little things. Emerson’s notion of appreciating the common miracle is essential to finding satisfaction in life. Taking a step away from the chaos and stress that accompany life and relishing in small things, such as miraculous events in nature or times of laughter with friends and family, is essential to ensuring that the enjoyment of existence is not lost due to exasperating daily struggles.

Even minuscule and often overlooked moments, with their rarity and beauty, can spark joy, allowing lives to become more meaningful. One of the main messages of Give Me the Splendid, Silent Sun by Walt Whitman is one mustn’t live extravagantly in order to enjoy it. Possibly undergoing a discouraging time in his life, the speaker envisions his ideal life. The repetition of the phrase “Give me” in the poem conveys his debilitating emptiness and his utter desperation to fill the void in his soul with feelings of contentment and satisfaction. He longs to marry “a sweet-breath’d woman” and to obtain a “perfect child…”, hoping to create a family one day with whom he could love and share life. (Whitman, 1865, lines 11-12). A family to love is oftentimes the thing humans crucially need for fulfillment in life. He strongly desires undisturbed, quiet nights and “the splendid silent sun” because he feels a strong connection to nature and the beautiful moments it offers. (Whitman,1865, line 1). Oftentimes, people express their want to become popular and successful enough in order to leave a legacy for future generations. But, the speaker aspires for nothing but the opposite. He is content with the idea of a small, loving, nature-filled life that will eventually end with his peaceful death. He does not feel the need to leave a lasting impact on society but rather to enjoy the little things. The sight of the rising Sun not only symbolizes the necessity for the appreciation of the miraculous things in life but also the source of a life that aims to pursue ideals of intimacy, nature, and the circle of life.


As humans, we have a tendency to overlook the value of small yet precious moments that arise throughout our lifetime. It is through the lens of hardship that the beauty of things like the sunrise or the relationships with loved ones that one can truly see things. It is the culmination of these little moments that ultimately lead to the enjoyment of one’s life.

Work Cited

  1. Whitman, Walt. “The Walt Whitman Archive.” GIVE ME THE SPLENDID SILENT SUN. ( Leaves of Grass (1867)) – The Walt Whitman Archive,
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Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun Summary: Finding Joy in the Everyday. (2023, Aug 26). Retrieved from