Four Components of Developing Successful Reading Skills

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Four Components of Developing Successful Reading Skills

Developing strong reading skills is a multifaceted process. The four primary components could be identified as phonemic awareness (recognizing and understanding sounds), phonics (understanding the relationship between letters and sounds), fluency (reading with speed, accuracy, and expression), and comprehension (understanding and interpreting what’s read). Emphasizing these components is crucial for educators aiming to nurture proficient readers. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Child topic.

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Oral language

Oral language is an important medium of communication among a child. It is crucial means through which a kid can be able to evaluate and be able to describe and control her practice. Many children oral language is the main intermediary of culture. In schools, the oral language at the basic level is about communicating with other people. According to Kirkland and Patterson journal “developing oral language in a primary classroom” states that oral language is one way of employing rational, intelligence, and expertise to speak and listen successfully.

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Oral language has five mechanisms in which the teachers must understand, and they should practice.They should promote auditory memory.

This will be done through repeating some words or some songs. A teacher should know about composing a song which should educate a child. An example of such is A for apple, B for boy there are many different kinds of memory to which the child may be relying on example some children may rely on what they hear, see or experience. So the teacher should at least try to understand a child behavior.

According to Massey in her journal, Teacher “Child Conversation in the Preschool Classroom.” Understanding the child will help him, or she Speak to all children involve them in topics to hear their opinion and appreciate their response. Teach a variety of spoken texts involving pupils in oral narratives where they recite the stories to other pupils. Through this, the child can be able to learn the language. Furthermore interaction of children in different platform helps them build confidence. It is only through proper communication and without fear that the child will learn properly. The teacher should ensure there is a conducive learning environment.

Alphabetical principle

According to alphabetical principle, it states that the speech sound of the language is made up of letters and combination of letters this is based on the predictable relationship between written letters, symbols and spoken words. At an early age of a child, the understanding of the children begins when she or he start writing letters, shapes, and letters to represent words, and later she or he attempts to spell it. This is the first attempt toward recognition and reading. The most important information that the learners need to understand about the alphabet is mostly on how to identify a letter.

It is also important to form a letter in handwriting.According to Johns & Elish-Piper. (1999) in the article “The Early literacy assessments and teaching strategies” states that the relation principles between the sounds and the letters they represent. Children learn letters and sound through simple methods, example alphabetical songs and by reciting rhymes example a, e, I, o, u. A child will know these vowels a teacher thus may give the children instructions on which they should follow to identify a name and the form in which it should appear whether in upper case or lower case.Children’s learning and reading skills are associated with the idea that the letters are associated with the knowledge of the alphabetic principle.

The phonics instructions help the learner understand the systematic and predictable relationship between the letters and sounds.Thus the teachers should develop a simple technique where the children may hear a sound and recognize the letters used to make that sound and so do the rules should be used to separate those letters that are confusing like letter b and p and g. A teacher should ensure that each child is having an understanding of what is being taught.

Concept printing

Children learn concepts about printing through observation. This mostly happens when a child comes across a billboard or even a picture on a wall of a classroom. The teachers should involve the all the children in the learning program where they read aloud while asking simple questions to attract the children. Giving a child an assignment of a picture in dots help the child familiarize with the print media.According to Thompson (2003), in his article children will recognize a logo of a company which she or is used to at any particular moment. Example the first food companies which supply food to homes. A child will recognize the symbol of that company even if he or she is in some other places maybe in a supermarket.

This indicates that the children have recorded in mind that the company they buy foodstuff is presented by that logo.According to Weber & Ruch, a child, will who is familiar with the print media will recognize that print is read from left to right and from top to bottom. A child will be able to learn each world which is pointed at a print media. She or he will also be able to recognize all the punctuation marks used in print. Thus a teacher should use prints in the class for a child can easily recall the writings in a wall more than that what the teacher says in class. This is because each day the child comes in the classroom, she will see the writings. It is important for a teacher to draw objects and write the name of these objects example a rabbit so that the child can know the animal in the real-life situation.

Phonological awareness

This is the ability of a child to recognize the sound of spoken language and can easily work with this sounds. This means that a child can recognize the rhyming world or those words which repeat themselves that is the alliterations example she sells shells at the seashores. According to Tunmer & Rohl, (1991) a child, a child in phonological awareness process will move from the stage of noticing the repeated works to doing it. It also includes the ability to separate a word into sounds that make up into a single sound. Mann, (1991) later illustrates that a kid will develop the ability of either adding or subtracting new sounds in words. After the kind understands a single sound in a word she or he can decode the pairing sounds with letters, and thus they can put them in their memories.

Teachers should start by introducing simple words that rhyme and test the capability of each child. Then make language play a part of the day. Have some songs or stories that have rhyming word and stories in the daily activities.These four components will help a child learn and familiarize with the language. Teachers and parents should collaborate in training their children. Teachers should use all the necessary required materials. This is to provide the kid when learning a language.,


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Four Components of Developing Successful Reading Skills. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from