Fahrenheit 451 Movie Vs. Book Comparison Analysis

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Dominant Symbols in Fahrenheit 451

In the movie Fahrenheit 451, one of the most dominant symbols in the novel is fire. It was one of the first principal tools of human civilization: protection from animals, protection from cold, and a tool to cook food. One of the most significant tales of the Western literary tradition centers around the fire as well.

The Myth of Prometheus and the Symbolism of Fire

The Greek myth of Prometheus is often mentioned in science fiction works. Prometheus loved people so much that he stole fire from the gods.

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He gave it to people to help them survive, infuriating the gods. For this act of disobedience, the gods severely punished Prometheus.

They ensured that every day an eagle ate his liver while Prometheus was chained to a mountain. This myth teaches us one essential lesson: fire can be dangerous if it is not used with care. A fire pit can warm the house. Though, if no one controls it, it can burn the whole house down. The symbolism of fire in Fahrenheit 451 is connected to technology. Just like fire, technology has a double nature. It is useful, but it can take over our lives and become dangerous.

Books as a Counterforce to Despotism

In the novel, not the people but the books become the main counterforce to despotism. Books represent humanity, an idealized society that once existed. People are mortal, so they come and go. Books, on the other hand, contain the legacy of the whole human race. In cases when people lose their humanity, books can serve as a reminder. h3Phoenix: Symbol of Rebirth Phoenix is another important symbol of the novel. It is connected with fire and the hope for rebirth. Captain Beatty wears the signs of the Phoenix on his hat, which is quite intriguing. He also drives a ‘Phoenix car.’ After burning Beatty to death, Montag is forced to abandon the city and become an outcast. This isolation means an intellectual rebirth. In the novel, not the people but the books become the main counterforce to despotism.

Books represent humanity, an idealized society that once existed. People are mortal, so they come and go. Books, on the other hand, contain the legacy of the whole human race. In cases when people lose their humanity, books can serve as a reminder. Phoenix is another important symbol of the novel. It is connected with fire and the hope for rebirth. Captain Beatty wears the signs of the Phoenix on his hat, which is quite intriguing. He also drives a ‘Phoenix car.’ After burning Beatty to death, Montag is forced to abandon the city and become an outcast. This isolation means an intellectual rebirth.

The Mechanical Hound: Symbol of State Control

The mechanical hound is another peculiar symbol of the novel. Even though it looks more like a spider than a dog, ‘its eight legs spidered under it on rubber-padded paws.’ In the novel, the mechanical hound represents the state and its control. The mechanical hound is another peculiar symbol of the novel. Even though it looks more like a spider than a dog, ‘its eight legs spidered under it on rubber-padded paws.’ In the novel, the mechanical hound represents the state and its control.

Works Cited

  1. Truffaut, F. (Director). (1966). Fahrenheit 451 [Film]. Anglo Enterprises, Vineyard Film Ltd.
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Fahrenheit 451 Movie vs. Book Comparison Analysis. (2023, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/fahrenheit-451-movie-vs-book-comparison-analysis/