Does Atalanta Follow the Hero’s Journey

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Updated: Jul 21, 2024
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Does Atalanta Follow the Hero’s Journey

This essay about the film “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” analyzes how it follows Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. The protagonist, Milo Thatch, starts in his ordinary world as a disregarded linguist and mapmaker. His adventure begins with the call to find the lost city of Atlantis, leading him into a new and challenging world. As Milo navigates through various stages like meeting allies and facing enemies, he approaches the inmost cave and encounters the ordeal where the true intentions of the expedition are revealed. The climax sees him fighting to protect Atlantis from exploitation. Ultimately, Milo’s transformation concludes with him choosing to stay in Atlantis to aid in its restoration, symbolizing his return with the elixir. The essay demonstrates how the film embodies the Hero’s Journey, showcasing Milo’s growth from a dreamer to a hero committed to a noble cause, and underscores the narrative’s enduring relevance in storytelling.

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The Hero’s Journey, as described by Joseph Campbell, has been a powerful narrative structure deeply embedded in many films, providing a framework that resonates universally. This narrative cycle, often reflected in major blockbusters and enduring tales, captures the essence of the human struggle and triumph. A fascinating example to analyze within this framework is the animated movie “Atlantis: The Lost Empire,” which, while not directly named “Atalanta,” seems to be a probable subject of interest given the context of the query.

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In this essay, I will discuss how “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” aligns with Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, identifying the various stages of the protagonist, Milo Thatch’s, adventure.

In the beginning, Milo is introduced in his Ordinary World, a mapmaker and linguist tucked away in the boiler room of a museum, largely ignored and ridiculed by the mainstream academic community. This stage sets the tone for Milo’s character as an underdog with a burning passion for the mythical city of Atlantis, a passion instilled by his grandfather’s tales and research.

The Call to Adventure is unmistakable when Milo is unexpectedly visited by Helga Sinclair, who presents him with the opportunity to join an expedition that could make his dream of finding Atlantis a reality. Initially hesitant, Milo’s decision is a textbook example of crossing the threshold from the known world into the unknown. His acceptance marks his commitment to the adventure, catalyzed by the arrival of the Shepherd’s Journal, the key to locating Atlantis.

Milo’s journey deep under the sea serves as both a literal and metaphorical descent into a special world, where he is tested and forms alliances with a diverse crew, each with their own backgrounds and expertise. These characters represent Allies and Enemies, as Milo navigates interpersonal dynamics and the inherent dangers of the journey. Commander Rourke, who later reveals himself as the antagonist, initially acts as a Mentor with dubious intentions.

The Approach to the Inmost Cave occurs as the expedition reaches the outskirts of Atlantis. The obstacles increase in complexity and danger, culminating in the discovery of the vibrant, living remnants of the lost civilization. Milo then faces The Ordeal, where the true nature of the expedition’s goal surfaces. Rourke’s intention to exploit the Atlantean power source for wealth puts Milo in a position where he must take a moral stand, leading to a climactic battle to save the city.

Milo’s ultimate boon is the knowledge and culture of Atlantis, which he had sought all his life. This boon, however, comes with a price—the betrayal and loss of lives during the expedition. His transformation is complete when he chooses to remain in Atlantis to help rebuild the civilization, indicating the Return with the Elixir. Milo’s journey is a blend of personal growth and contribution to a world beyond his original scope.

“Atlantis: The Lost Empire” exemplifies the Hero’s Journey, illustrating the timeless appeal of this narrative structure in storytelling. The film portrays each phase of Campbell’s monomyth, providing a compelling narrative arc that supports the protagonist’s development from an academic dreamer to a hero who finds his true calling not in fame or fortune, but in service to a greater cause.

This analysis not only affirms the relevance of the Hero’s Journey in contemporary storytelling but also highlights how it can be adapted to fit unique settings and characters. Movies like “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” demonstrate that the core elements of the Hero’s Journey remain effective in capturing the transformational adventure of a hero, making ancient narrative principles applicable to modern tales.


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