Debunking the Coffee Myth: the Relationship between Growth and Java

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Updated: Oct 26, 2023
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Ah, coffee! The aromatic beverage that jumpstarts the day for many and serves as a comforting ritual for others. But there’s a lingering question, particularly among concerned parents and teens: Can this popular beverage interfere with a young person’s growth? This notion has echoed through generations, leading many adolescents to second-guess their desire for a caffeine fix. So, let’s dissect this age-old belief and find out if there’s any scientific grounding behind the claim that coffee stunts growth.

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The idea that coffee might impede growth can be traced back to studies that linked caffeine to reduced bone mass and osteoporosis. The concern was that, because adolescents are still growing, any reduction in bone mass could impact their final adult height. There’s also been a long-standing (albeit shaky) association between caffeine and reduced calcium absorption in the intestines. As calcium is essential for bone health, it’s easy to see how one could jump to the conclusion that coffee, as a primary source of caffeine for many, might affect growth.

However, when examined critically, the evidence is less compelling than it first appears. Most studies that found a correlation between caffeine consumption and reduced bone mass were looking at excessive caffeine intake, far beyond the typical cup of morning brew. Moreover, the decrease in calcium absorption due to caffeine is minor, roughly equivalent to the calcium in a tablespoon of milk. It’s highly unlikely that such a minute change would have any discernible impact on bone growth or overall height.

Further, multiple comprehensive reviews have tackled this subject, and their conclusions are consistent: moderate coffee consumption doesn’t have any significant effect on bone health or growth in adolescents. It’s worth noting that the keyword here is “moderate.” Everything in excess, coffee included, can have unintended consequences. Teens guzzling down large volumes of energy drinks, which contain higher caffeine levels than coffee, might indeed risk health issues. But these are generally not related to stunted growth.

Beyond bone health, another avenue of concern is the potential of caffeine to disrupt sleep. Adolescence is a crucial period for growth and development, and growth hormone is primarily secreted during deep sleep. Caffeine, being a stimulant, can indeed interfere with sleep patterns if consumed later in the day. Poor sleep might then, indirectly, affect growth. Yet, this is less about coffee stunting growth and more about ensuring good sleep hygiene.

In light of this, it’s essential to take a holistic view. Rather than singling out coffee as a villain, it’s more helpful to focus on overall dietary and lifestyle habits. A balanced diet, rich in calcium and vitamin D, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are all vital factors that play into an adolescent’s growth and well-being.

To wrap up, the widely held belief that coffee stunts growth appears to be more of a myth than a fact. The connections between caffeine, bone health, and growth, when looked at critically, are tenuous at best for moderate coffee drinkers. However, as with all things, moderation is key. A cup of coffee now and then is unlikely to harm, but it’s always essential to be mindful of overall consumption and ensure a balanced approach to diet and lifestyle during those pivotal growing years.

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Debunking the Coffee Myth: The Relationship Between Growth and Java. (2023, Oct 26). Retrieved from