Cinco De Mayo: a Historical and Cultural Examination

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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Cinco de Mayo, a day often mistaken for Mexico’s Independence Day, actually celebrates the Mexican win over French forces in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Let’s look into the history behind it, how its meaning has changed over time, and how it’s celebrated today in Mexico and the U.S.

A Bit of History

So, back in the 19th century, Mexico was in a pretty tough spot after the Reform War (1857-1860). The country was broke and its government, led by President Benito Juárez, was shaky.

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To get things under control, Juárez stopped paying off foreign debts. This didn’t sit well with France, Spain, and Britain, who decided to send in their military. While Spain and Britain backed off, France, under Napoleon III, saw an opportunity to set up a monarchy in Mexico.

The Battle of Puebla happened on May 5, 1862, with General Ignacio Zaragoza leading the Mexican forces. Even though they were outnumbered and low on supplies, the Mexican army pulled off a surprising win against the French. This victory wasn’t a game-changer in the grand scheme of things, but it did wonders for Mexican morale. Historian Justo Sierra O’Reilly said it showed “the resilience and unity of the Mexican people” (O’Reilly, 1891).

Cultural Changes and Misunderstandings

Many people think Cinco de Mayo is a major holiday in Mexico, but it’s mostly celebrated in Puebla with parades and reenactments. The real big day in Mexico is their Independence Day on September 16. A study by the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History found that Cinco de Mayo is “a regional celebration with limited national resonance” (INAH, 2010).

In the U.S., though, Cinco de Mayo has grown into a big deal, especially since the 1960s Chicano Movement. It’s become a way for Mexican-Americans to celebrate their heritage. Over time, it’s turned into a bigger celebration of Mexican culture, with festivals, music, and food. Sociologist David Hayes-Bautista says that in the U.S., Cinco de Mayo “serves as an expression of cultural identity and resistance against cultural assimilation” (Hayes-Bautista, 2012).

Today’s Celebrations and Commercialization

Nowadays, Cinco de Mayo is a big event in the U.S. Cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston have huge celebrations. According to a 2018 Nielsen report, “over 30 million Americans participate in Cinco de Mayo festivities annually” (Nielsen, 2018). These events include parades, mariachi bands, and traditional Mexican food, giving everyone a chance to experience Mexican culture.

But there’s a downside. Some folks criticize how commercialized Cinco de Mayo has become. They argue that companies use it to sell products, especially booze, and this takes away from its true meaning. A study by the University of Arizona points out that “the commercial aspects of Cinco de Mayo often overshadow its historical and cultural significance” (University of Arizona, 2019). This can turn a meaningful event into something shallow and stereotypical.

Media and ads don’t help either. They often use stereotypes that misrepresent Mexican culture. Scholars like Arlene Dávila argue that “mainstream representations of Cinco de Mayo frequently exploit and misrepresent Mexican culture, contributing to cultural misunderstandings” (Dávila, 2008). It’s important to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with respect for its history and cultural significance, not just as an excuse to party.

Wrapping Up

Cinco de Mayo is more than just a fun day to eat tacos and listen to mariachi music. It has deep historical roots and has taken on new meanings, especially in the U.S. However, its commercialization and misrepresentation can be problematic. By learning more about its history and cultural significance, we can celebrate it in a more meaningful and respectful way.

So, next time you join a Cinco de Mayo celebration, take a moment to think about its history and what it really stands for. It’s a chance to reflect on cultural identity and historical memory, and to make sure we’re honoring the day in the right way.

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Cinco De Mayo: A Historical and Cultural Examination. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from