Author Kate Chopin Introduce

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Author Kate Chopin introduce a short story of the hour that’s structurally designed to build up drama within the reading hour. “The Story of an Hour introduces the widow, Louise Mallard, who learned that her husband is dead. She spends the majority of the story locked inside her bedroom where she thinks and process about her new role as an independences free woman. The story then gives a surprise at the end of story by revealing that Louise’s dead husband is alive and it gave Louise a heart attack upon seeing her believed dead husband is still alive.

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She died not from joy of seeing him, but the fact that she’s not a free independent woman anymore. The story does lives up to its title by having the reader read the story quickly within the hour by using big and powerful impacts in the couple of sentences the make up each paragraph.

The author, Kate Chopin focuses on a third-person view to view Louise’s feels as she is locked in her bedroom as she ponders on being a free independent woman. But that feeling of feeling free will come to an end when Chopin uses a dark and ironic ending when Louise dies when she sees her dead husband is alive and returned. The point of view the author uses help readers to know what’s inside Louise’s mind and feel and how is she deal with the situation at hand.

The heart problems mention in the beginning and the end of the story is the ultimate symbolism of the story by foreshadowing that happens as heaher husband’s death, but as time and understanding with her in the locked room helps her cope with the loss, she was understanding her new role as a widow until the shock of her not dead husband brings a dark ending to the story as Mrs. Mallard died from a heart attack upon seeing her alive husband. (Thesis)

Because the story is short and the use of a couple of sentences for a paragraph, Chopin decided to make every sentence in the story important. Chopins first uses repetitions as a key to make the important parts of the story seem important, like the the time where she repeats the word “free” () to symbolize Louise’s freedom from a trap marriage. Chopins then repeat phases in her story like the time use the phase “She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday that she had thought with a shudder that life might be long () to tell how shudder Louis’s life is and her wish have come true when she wished for indenpendent. Finally, Chapins use rhymes and alliteration to make the story more meaningfull, like when Brently “composedly carrying () his stuff as he returns as not dead. Chapin makes her story important and meaningful by using style and good sentence structure to put her story as important as it seems.

Marissa Abell from Odyssey said in her view of Louis and Brently’s marriage is “In The Story of an Hour, it is shown that marriage is not always what it appears to be and that the journey to freedom can be dangerous. Chopin shows her readers that the love of only one partner in a marriage is not indicative of a mutual relationship” (Abell). Abell and Chopin both understand that some to most marriages have a rocky relationship in terms of if two people really love each other. Even though Louise express that her husband is nice and a loving character, she was relieve and filled with joy upon hearing her husband’s death. Louis never tell the readers why she and her husband why they have a rocky marriage as Louise was hinting it was. She seems to express that both her and Brently oppressed each other throughout the marriage. As Louise was filled with joy of being free from her oppressed and rocky marriage, she started her life as a free indenpendent woman. Her dream and hope sharrted as Brently return alive, robbing Louise from her newfound indenpendences.

Louise’s heart problem in the story is an important symbolism because it represents Louise’s “ambivalence towards marriage and her distaste at her lack of freedom” (Migdol). We first notice the heart trouble when Louises’s sister, Josephine told Louise about the sudden death of her husband is a calm and comforting matter due to her weak heart. It was in fact that “Mrs. Mallard’s weak heart sets up a character that seems frail to the reader to increase the impact of her oppressive situation” (Migdol). As she dies at the end of the story from a heart attack upon seeing her husband from the dead. A “irony plays a role in her death when the doctor states it was due to happiness when in truth it was due from the opposite” (Migdol) when the joy of being free from a trap marriage instead of her husband returning alive.

Erin Migdol symbolize that “the window Mrs. Mallard sits at for the entire story represents the endless possibilities that Mr. Mallard’s death has given her” (Migdol). The open window also represents the opportunities of Louise newfound freedom when Louise sees the clouds in the sky, the trees, and the people and birds living their live. As Louise “explains the views outside it is as if the window is instilling new life within Mrs. Mallard” (Migdol) by what she experiences through the joy of newfound freedom, she feels the open window represents to her that Louise husband, Brently is not in her life anymore so she is free from her marriage of him. Erin Migdol also said that “Mrs. Mallard was in acceptance about her situation when she heard about Mr. Mallard’s death and the open window was a catalyst that showed Mrs. Mallard a new sense of life” by providing her a sight of solitude in her future which is now away from her believe to be dead husband. Soon her new sense came to a stop as “that new sense of life was all but destroyed when Mr. Mallard entered the dwelling very much alive” (Migdol).

During the time Louise’s sister Josephine told Louise about her husband’s, Brently’s death. Louise acted the part on how most people will do when hearing someone that’s close them pass away, but with Brently’s death “has made her see something she hasn’t seen before and might likely never have seen if he had lived: her desire for self-determination” (Sustana). Although Louise is not a bad person let alone crying over his death, when she was finally alone, she realize what this means to her. Opportunities of a newfound future of not being married to another person and away from her dread and depression.

In the story, upon hearing her husband’s death, Louise goes to lock herself in her bedroom and “breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long (). By saying this, Louise believes that her live is dull, uneventful, and the feeling of being trap in life. Now that her husband, Brently is believed to be dead, she she feels free from her marriage and finds the sense of new independences in her life. The feeling of her depression and dread is gone and now she is able to find a new meaning to life as well as seeing life as worth living instead of feeling a life of shudder. This new found piece of freedom didn’t last long as soon as her dead husband walked right in the front door ending her prayed happyness, she died on the spot from her weak heart due to believing that she’ll returned to her shudder and dreaded life.

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Author Kate Chopin Introduce. (2020, Feb 11). Retrieved from