“Anthem” by Ayn Rand: the Struggle for Individuality in a World Governed by Conformity

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Conception of A Dystopian Society

Imagine a world without free will, where you are punished for being yourself. In this world, four scholars dictated your every move, every thought, and every existence like shepherds herding a flock of sheep. Ayn Rand brings that very world to life in his book Anthem. Ayn picks what it would take to build this society and how it would crumble. Helping the reader to understand just how vital choices are. Forced into this community at a young age, Equality 7-2521 was assigned brothers even before his first breath.

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The older Equality got, the closer he got to his choice that would steer him in the right direction.

The Awakening of Individualism

This society full of so-called people is rigorous on no individualism. The simple but main rule that must be kept is having your thoughts. This was the beginning of when Equality started becoming an individual, and the revolution of the Forbidden Times started. You are to share any thoughts with the brothers in your unit. However, gradually, Equality started spacing himself away from his brothers and writing thoughts on paper as if it were his diary.” Equality wrote about the light he stumbled upon in the tunnel of the Unmentionable times. This light pushed him to try and become one with the Scholars. He did not want to be different or cursed, so this caused him to start thinking of ways to prove to the Scholars that his height, strength, and intelligence did not make him an outcast.”

Tomorrow, in the whole light of day, we shall take our box, leave our tunnel open, and walk through the streets to the Home of the Scholars Anthem 51.” “Tomorrow, you will take us back into your fold, and we shall be an outcast no longer. Tomorrow, we shall be one of you again. Tomorrow Anthem 51:” This thought caused Equality to decide that the light he found would be the key to proving himself and getting the Scholars to recruit him on their side. Teachers and anyone who glanced his way looked down upon him daily. This type of judgment and bullying would eventually lead to the downfall of this society. This caused him to think for himself due to a desire and need to fit in. Equality soon took his founded light to the door of the Scholars, ready to present his discovery.

Resistance to Change and Fear of Exposure

After some debates, Equality finally shows them why he has been so secretive. All four jump out of their chairs, cowering together against the wall as if in fear of what Equality found.” We looked upon them, and we laughed and said: Fear nothing, our brothers. There is a great power in these wires, but this power is tamed. It is yours. We give it to you Anthem 54″. He wonders why such a reaction to such a fantastic discovery. Equality tries to convince them that it will do good in the world and that candles will be no more, but they strike out angrily. “How dared you, gutter cleaner, to hold yourself as one alone and with the thoughts of the one and not of the many Anthem 56”. “You shall be burned at the stake, said Democracy 4-6998 Anthem 56”. “No, they shall be lashed till there is nothing left under the lashes said Unanimity 7-3304”.

The Scholars opposed the light and Equality’s behavior mainly because they feared that this object would destroy everything they took years to build. They feared that this one human being could release the truth and ruin the society they had built. The world these scholars had created would be exposed to a lie, and their betrayal would become evident. What they are opposed explicitly to about Equality is his intelligence. His intelligence led to him thinking, destroying what the scholars thought was a safe society.

The thoughts from Equality 7-2521 scared the four, fearing that his thinking would soon dominate their plans and have things return to how it was. What motivates the scholars to disagree with Equality 7-2521 is where they would stand if things were to change. They do not want to be exposed to their dirty work and soon be punished. They do not want to give the people power to change the world again and think for themselves.


  1. Rand, A. (1946). Anthem. New York, NY: Caxton Press.
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"Anthem" by Ayn Rand: The Struggle for Individuality in a World Governed by Conformity. (2023, Aug 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/anthem-by-ayn-rand-the-struggle-for-individuality-in-a-world-governed-by-conformity/