Anna Barbauld and Mary Wollstonecraft: Women’s Rights

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In the eighteenth century, the status of women was profoundly depicted in literature, by the literary works of Anna Barbauld and Mary Wollstonecraft. They created well-known works that attempted and succeeded to be understood by both men and women with understandings and viewpoints of what women endured inside society. The works that they created and worded differently, with a different timbre and frame of mind as well, but they could have not better explained the goal of women’s status in society, education, and marriage, and I will be explaining their similarities and discrepancies when it comes to their most well-known works; “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman” by Wollstonecraft and “The Rights of Woman” by Barrbauld, and onward with how they think as writers.

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Barbauld and Wollstonecraft learned much from each other and were able to help others discern the status of women and education within their literary works of women’s rights and liberation; furthermore, they may have not seen how their works were portrayed to explain the similar understanding of the status of women and education, until later on down the line. It did not start as two women understanding the views of each other off a whim. Barbauld’s association with her literary works is one of being conservative. Within the Barbauld’s work “The Rights of Woman ” she states, “Try all that wit and art suggest to bend Of thy imperial foe the stubborn knee; Make treacherous Man, thy subject, not thy friend; Thou mayst command, but never canst be free.”. This is to exhibit in forwardness that she asserts, though women may not completely be able to rule over their male counterparts, they should rise from what they believe with all that they have to offer because doing what is right in time makes it easier. In my opinion, she wrote this work as a call to arms, it was a spark filled beginning only to cool down with a call out to work with reciprocated love, and togetherness. Wollstonecraft did not disregard this as a proper way for women to deal with society, men, and being able to have a healthy education as their opposites.

Additionally, to show how Barbauld’s work “The Rights of Women” differs from the literary work of Wollstonecraft, “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”, is by explaining how Wollstonecraft was more outspoken and pushed her understandings and explanations a bit farther than Barbauld. She was a direct, perhaps scarcely of a radical inditer. In her time era, Wollstonecraft was convinced that gendered demeanor was learned through edification and erudition, in place of being one thing with that one was born. This could partially explain as to why her work, when at the start being perceived competence, was omitted until the efforts of the era found in is a tasteful and serious sense of personal identity.

This can show how the two women beforehand, particularly have shown some hostilities towards each other, or so they specifically taught. Wollstonecraft did mostly have some method to mostly denounce Barbauld’s Poetry. She did not particularly for instance relish in how Barbauld was as conservative and in a way saying women specifically were delicate and meant to keep the peace. As a rebuttal, she explains how women should deal with how they are portrayed in this way, not having to kind of feel that they need to be conformists, which specifically is quite significant. Within Wollstonecraft’s work “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”, she states, “Would men but generously snap our chains, and be content with rational fellowship instead of slavish obedience, they would find us more observant daughters, more affectionate sisters, more faithful wives, more reasonable mothers – in a word, better citizens.”. Wollstonecraft portrays in this portion of her literary work that if women were able to be educated and given room to grow and prosper, they would be better people for themselves, others, and within their marriage and for their children.

It is equally important to show similarities between Anna Barbauld and Mary Wollstonecraft. These two women were the needed visions to push a feminist movement off the hinges, so people could notice and understand that women need education and cannot rise to their full potential and prove the thoughts and theories of how men perceive women as a whole. People view Barbauld work “The Rights of women ” as an antifeministic acknowledgment of Wollstonecraft’s work “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman ”. When in fact, both of these women just had different views on the status of women with indistinguishable literary work writings. As with similar movements for women, two feministic points of view manifest, one being of Wollstonecraft in approbation and education for women, and the other women Anna Barbauld trusting in that women looking for equality would result in unnecessary and serious, intense rebellions because of misunderstanding and unreasonable thinking. While the two writers held vastly different views on the position of women compared to men, Mary Wollstonecraft and Anna Barbauld were able to agree there has to be some changes for women to be viewed as they wanted to in society.

To conclude this essay, I have explained the similarities and differences between Anna Barbauld and Mary Wollstonecraft and their most well known works “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman” by Mary Wollstonecraft and “The Rights of Woman” by Anna Barbauld. These two women worked towards feministic views for women to know their worth, and to push to acquire education and be equal to men. Wollstonecraft pushed for it no matter what views were optically discerned towards her or her works. Barbauld was more cautious and endeavored to make people optically discern both sides of the issue, but to still push women conservatively for edification and understanding of men. These two authors are paramount in their era, because they have engendered a snowball effect for literary writers and literary when it comes to the status of women and their edification. It is equipollently consequential to understand that these women had a very kindred goal in mind, even with plenarily different vantage points.

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Anna Barbauld and Mary Wollstonecraft: Women's Rights. (2021, Aug 04). Retrieved from