Affects of Divorce

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It has been contemplated whether or not a parent’s divorce truly impacts teens. Some might argue that divorce can lead to a better childhood and state of mind, rather than continuing to live with parents who constantly argue and fight. However, in reality, it is not merely about separation; it is about the psychological and behavioral changes that teenagers may experience. Throughout the process, a teen’s perspective can change radically, just as their behaviors might. Divorce can leave a teen grappling with social and emotional withdrawal, a tendency for abusive behavior, and a heightened sense of self-protection.

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Parents who have divorced not only face their own issues but also inadvertently burden their teenagers. Teens with divorced parents exhibit a higher propensity for social and emotional withdrawal. For instance, they might display more health and behavioral problems such as drug abuse, and they may find themselves in situations involving more crime, according to “The Effects of Divorce on America” (Fagan & Rector 1). It isn’t just about the changes in a teen’s mental state, but rather, the withdrawal that they experience as a result of their parents’ separation. They may feel distanced from their family and the world around them. Furthermore, these teens are more likely to have strained relationships with their parents and could face the breakdown of their own familial and personal wellbeing (Fagan & Rector 4).

Nonetheless, a teen dealing with self-inflicted pain and damage to their self-worth is the primary consequence of divorce. Undoubtedly, teens who have experienced or are experiencing the throes of divorce often become less engaged in school and are more likely to drop out of high school. Supporting this assertion, studies have shown that such teens struggle academically, particularly with subjects like reading, spelling, and mathematics (Adelson 1). Regrettably, the major problems a teen faces due to divorce include anxiety, aggressiveness towards others, lower self-control, and a perpetual state of protective fear translating to a constant instinct to defend themselves against others (Adelson 1).

Contrarily, some might suggest that divorce can prompt a teen to improve their behavior, academic performance, and school focus, perhaps as a subconscious attempt to keep their parents together. Other proponents of divorce might argue it urges parents to invest more quality time with their children, fostering closer single and co-parenting relationships (Effects on Children 1). Furthermore, it is purported that teens often perceive divorce as a favorable alternative, offering a quieter, more peaceful home environment. Compared to the negative effects, such as the deprivation of peace and security due to constant arguing and fighting, divorce may seem like a viable option. Overall, the opposing view posits that while divorce might alter teens’ lives, it does not necessarily deconstruct family relationships (Pediatr 1). In fact, it could pave the way for a new future, encouraging teens to work through their feelings and hardships successfully.
In brief, divorce can immensely impact a teen, leaving one to pick up the pieces of an adolescent who has suffered from social and emotional withdrawal and constant behavioral issues. Teens are profoundly impacted by their parents’ divorce, leaving them vulnerable and fragile. However, the only thing someone can do is provide support to pull them back from constant sorrow and change. Thus, the outcomes of divorce and separation are inevitable, which shows that with every cause, such as divorce, there are effects; in this case, teens are the ones affected.

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Affects of divorce. (2019, Mar 11). Retrieved from