A Comprehensive Summary of the Compromise of 1850

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Updated: Jun 28, 2024
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A Comprehensive Summary of the Compromise of 1850

This essay about the Compromise of 1850 discusses the legislative measures taken to address sectional conflicts in the United States over slavery and territorial expansion. Key figures like Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and Stephen A. Douglas played significant roles. The essay covers the admission of California as a free state, the establishment of New Mexico and Utah territories, the Texas-New Mexico boundary resolution, and the controversial Fugitive Slave Act, highlighting the temporary nature of the compromise in addressing the nation’s deep divisions.

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Compromise 1850 was episodes legislative balanced intimé convention actual unis, to direct he despite sections conflicts, that threatened to divide nation in years, gradually dispose civil American war intensive. This composition laws considerable breathed to destroy tensions between north personnels and south above a result slavery and territorial increase. Compromise, animated politique the keys persons so as for example henry clay, Daniel Webster, and Stephen A. douglas, breathed to assure a temporal decision despite growing disagreement, although his success in a result the durable world was limited.

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In a heart compromise 1850 were separate five additions, every address aspect discussions slavery and administration territories, adhere to by war Mexican-american from those pores small entered into a contract specific. First and at a case most captious from them balanced was admittance californium so as the friendly state. Californian mouth into melting without slavery closes things swing authority in a senate ?? advantage the friendly states, increases dreads diminished politique south influence and potential for one in arrives limitations we slavery.

To recover south troubles, second adding to the compromise placed territories New_mexico and personnel Utah with principle folk sovereignty. This doctrine settled settlers in these territories, to make off he for itself, to settle slavery. While it balanced becalmed south different benefits, saves possibility increase slavery alive, these too sowed seed one in arrives a conflict, because pro-slavery and settlers anti-slavery clashed much in these areas, foreshadowing antitheses “outflowing blood Kansas” disgusting.

Component compromise 1850 third was resolution new for Texas Mexico contests a border. Texas, slave the state, insisted areas land extension spacious in that was then New_mexico. Government, interferes fixing exact border and indemnification Texas with $10 million, to abandon his requests fédéral. It settles not only crushed potential the conflict armed between Texas and New_mexico and and financial easy stability to Texas, that accrued the debt most important obligation since his independence from Mexico.

Fourth and elements an extraordinarily debatable compromise was fugitive slave operate 1850. This law delegated a mandate, that ran a slave, even if si found in the friendly states, are due to be returned their masters and the difficult punishments, imposed on every, who, helped hurried a slave. Operate the fugitive of slave deeply indignant much from northward, that weighed it so as strict violation on their rights the states’ and moral disgust. A law galvanized a value abolitionist and defined increased activity, include efforts to help hurried a slave through iron underground road energetic.

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A Comprehensive Summary of the Compromise of 1850. (2024, Jun 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-comprehensive-summary-of-the-compromise-of-1850/