Abortion: are we Good?

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Recently, I heard a subtly profound statement from a friend who said, “Everything wants to live. It does not want to die,” (Flory). This sentiment, probably unnoticed by the one who voiced it, nonetheless caught my attention. It sparked something inside that was obviously there but needed an awakening. I will be writing my paper based on your article, “You Are A Good Woman.” Your article defends women’s decisions for abortion and attempts to back up mothers’ stances on the matter.

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This paper will deal with the following arguments/statements that you mentioned: people just want to make you feel bad, they do not know you, people say they care about you but judge you. You can feel what you want, honor yourself, do not judge yourself, women know when to take a life, this is not black and white, and have peace about your decision.

One reason you wrote this article was to help women feel good about their decision to abort. “You Are a Good Woman” is what every woman wants to hear. When someone does something good, they want people to acknowledge or praise them. When they do something bad, they want someone to console them by telling them that they are not as bad as they think. While there is truth in telling someone that they are not as bad as they might think, it does not absolve the wrong decision they made and the consequences that will follow. When I want to hear what I want to hear, the last place I go to is where I know I will find the ultimate truth. Typically, I turn to people, movies, or music that will echo what I want to be told. This desire to hear the reassuring words has been prevalent for a long time. Now, writers like you can communicate these comforting words over the internet. You can freely express your thoughts, knowing that you won’t face instant backlash or confrontation as you would if you voiced these views publicly.

When writing an article like this, it’s understandable that you might not want to hear alternative views. Producing it on the internet means no one can prevent you from sharing your narrative. You took truths such as taking a stand for what feels right and pushed them to places they shouldn’t be. As Christians, these ideas have their rightful applications, but your framing can be manipulative and misleading. The problem is, these truths should not be applied to the matter of abortion, as it involves another human life.

As a Christian, I wanted to express my stance on this matter. I have beliefs, and those beliefs are sometimes not favored by the world. The world often chooses not to believe the truth for multiple reasons, some of them being that it convicts and delivers rules to live by. As stated in John 15:18-19, “If the world hates you keep in mind it hated me (Jesus) first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as it’s own. As it is, you do not belong to the world. That is why the world hates you.” This passage refers to the time when Jesus lived on earth, and people despised him. Despite committing no wrongs, merely by showcasing his mighty works, they became guilty of sin. He set the standard of living that some might find difficult to abide by.

When talking to a friend about my paper, they mentioned that they had had a conversation with a couple who had undergone an abortion. The couple lived with regret and trauma after doing so because they ended up having children later. Holding the children they now have reminds them that the baby was a life they perhaps ended too early. That conversation ignited something inside me. Why would I ever think that I would have the right to take a nascent human’s life inside of me? If they are considered alive at nine months outside of my belly, why wouldn’t they be considered alive while inside me? “Everything wants to live. It does not want to die,” (Flory).

Before we dive into the next verses, we need to understand the background. Paul expresses a desire for his followers to be filled with a pure-hearted love, free of guilt, and grounded in sincere faith. He does not want them to be distracted by myths and baseless speculations. To apply these verses in the context of abortion, we need to dissect the passage. In I Timothy 1:7-11, it states, “They want to be known as teachers of the law of Moses, but they don’t know what they themselves are talking about, even as they speak so confidently. We know that the law is good when used correctly.

The law was not intended for people who do what is right. It is instead meant for people who are lawless and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who commit patricide or matricide or any other murders. The law is there for people who are sexually immoral or who practice homosexuality, for slave traders, liars, and promise breakers, or for anyone who contradicts the wholesome teaching that emanates from the glorious Good News entrusted to me by our blessed God.” “Even though they speak so confidently,” can be linked to protesters, advocates for abortion, or even your paper “speak so confidently,” making people believe you.

Moving on, “We know the law is good when used correctly. The law was not intended for people who do what is right.” If abortion were to be made illegal, that would imply we were using the law for good. However, we also know that a law which declares it illegal or legal does not cater to people who are pro-life. Pro-lifers do not need a law to dictate what is right. Regardless of whether it is illegal or legal, these individuals would not end the life of the unborn child. Therefore, the law is put in place for those who would. “Who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy… commit other murders,” – this refers to people who fail to recognize the sanctity of the unborn child’s life and so commit this act.

That being said, as a Christian, I will approach those who have had abortions with grace. After they have done so, there is no reason to point fingers or make them feel bad. That will not bring the baby back. Instead, when they come to me, I will approach them with love and tell them the truth about what God thinks. He knows that we are flawed, but loves us anyway. He understands us and doesn’t expect us to be perfect. He simply asks for our faith and follows his path. The best part is, He helps us do that. I can then offer comfort because many people who have had abortions live with regret, depression, and anxiety.

So is the issue black and white? Does the unborn child have any rights? According to some, a baby in its mother’s womb has the same rights as a guest in a house. The mother, or in this context, the homeowner, has the right to decide who gets to stay in her house. This asserts that women intuitively understand the right time to bring life into the world. While some suggest that these “feelings” a mother may have could be stemming from understanding that having a child could result in adverse situations, hence associating the baby with being “not good”.

Mothers experience certain sentiments that others may not understand. I am unsure how they arrive at such beliefs, but just because one feels an impulsive instinct to abort, it doesn’t justify ending a life. According to a study by the Guttmacher Institute, some reasons for abortion include financial instability, interference with work or school, or the inability to provide care for dependents. Every action has a reaction, and basing the decision on taking a life purely on feelings is unwise. A fetus is as much alive inside the womb as it is outside it. However, some argue its right to existence only applies outside the womb.

I have debated on the topics covered in your article, including the inherent goodness in humans, how the mother “feels” about abortion, and whether the issue is black and white. God has created us in our mothers’ wombs. He knows the longevity of our lives, our future deeds, and regardless of what we do, He loves us. When aborting, it implies that we believe to know better about when a child should come into this world and that we refuse to live with the consequences. This means negating God’s creation and denying that each child, bearing the image of Christ, is not excellently made. So instead of making the choice to end a life, choose not to conceive in the first place.

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Abortion: are we Good?. (2022, Nov 16). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/abortion-are-we-good/