An Issue of Spiritual Life Help

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Spiritual Life help

One helpful tactic that helped with my spiritual life was when we prayed the ACTS prayer in class. It helped me start a prayer life in which I pray for something or someone every day in the morning or evening. Some things I prayed for was a friend of mine who is struggling with depression and anxiety to seek professional help, for my final exams next week, and for my mental well-being.

Another thing that helped my spiritual life throughout this semester was learning that God wants to be found.

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Nothing in this world can satisfy our hearts other than Jesus through God. Sin is something more than doing wrong. It separates us from God which breaks our personal relationships.

Another thing that was helpful to me was learning how to give Bible studies. When I was in high school, I wanted to give Bible studies, but I didn’t know how. I started taking Bible studies for me to gain insight on how to give one. This class has given me the most insight on how to give a Bible study.

Most Helpful Lectures

One lecture I thought was helpful to me was the lesson from the vineyard. I thought it was helpful because it was presented in a way that I could understand. I also liked how there was an application part to the lecture because it gave me and other students something to think about. It showed me that I need to be broken in order to be productive just as grape branches need to be pruned in order to produce.

Another lecture that was helpful to me this semester was the introduction to prayer. It showed the need for a prayer life, what the benefits are, what it can do, and how impactful it can be. Because of this lecture, I have started a prayer life on my own whereas I have started praying more by myself rather than being in a group. It has been most meaningful being by myself because I feel like I can talk to God like my best friend. I have made known to God my requests and then I will have a conversation with him.

Must Keep Book

A book that I believe should be used for next semester is the book on prayer by Philip Yancey. The book kept the reader intrigued by its questions, personal experiences, and applications. It also made the reader think about their personal lives which gave them another reason to keep reading. The chapters were long, but they gave quality content to discuss about in class and in small groups. The book shows the reader the reasons why prayer is used and what the purpose is. It can ultimately lead the reader to start his or her own prayer life and they can experiment to see if it is helpful to them.

Plans for Spiritual Growth

My plan to enhance my spiritual growth is to continue my daily prayer, research on my own how to give a bible study, and serve in my church. My daily prayer has made me feel like I am helping someone while not presently being there. I have felt at peace when I pray and I want to share my experiences with my friends and family. I want to give them a reason to start a prayer life and hopefully they can tell their peers.

I also want to continue to research on how to give a Bible study. This class was the starting point and I want my knowledge about Bible study to expand and integrate into the lives of others. I have started feeling more comfortable when presenting a topic to others and I believe giving Bible studies will continue to help with that fear of public speaking. Finally, I want to serve in my church. I want to volunteer for my church whether it be with the AV team, greeting, or VBS. I know that I will gain personal fulfillment because I am doing something for my community.

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An Issue Of Spiritual Life Help. (2020, Mar 26). Retrieved from