Why Writing is Important: a Personal Journey from Passion to Profession

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Updated: Aug 28, 2023
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The Foundations of Writing

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and retrospect” (AnaisNin). The collective combination of thoughts to form one’s viewpoint of a specific subject is what we know as writing. We write in a way in which we think the correct writing is. We also write how we have been taught correct writing using subject-verb agreement, punctuation rules, relative clauses, and other grammatical structures. There are also different forms of writing, such as letters, essays, articles, emails, social media statuses, and journals.

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We are given different ways to compose such writings in our everyday life. Writing may vary in how it has affected our personal lives, how it is used in different types, and how it is used in our everyday lives.

A Personal Odyssey: Evolving Through Phases of Writing

Writing has always been one of my favorite hobbies that I enjoy doing in my spare time, from sentence structures to grammar. Back in high school, I saw mistakes in text relatively fast and was often applauded for my ability to put stories together. I always closely look at the techniques and styles of authors I like. I have always considered myself to be an excellent writer. To me, writing has always been my tool for artistic expression.

Later in college, I learned to use writing as a tool in education and the professional sense. I always wrote little poems and made up stories when I was very young. Some were for school, and some were just for my entertainment. My mom used constantly to find me spending hours on the computer, typing the little stories and poems I came up with. I have always thought about one day writing a novel as fascinating as Harry Potter or A Sense of Unfortunate Events.

My eye for grammar, punctuation, and homonyms increased as I got older. Even when I got my first cell phone, I never texted in code; I always used complete sentences and tried never to miss a comma or apostrophe. Whereas my friends always use code to reply to me. Most of my love for writing came from my mother, who used to tell me how important writing would become in the future.

Even though I was a good writer throughout my year of high school, my eagerness only pertained to creative and persuasive papers, like topics that let me use my imagination stance on different subjects and other issues. When I had to write book reports and research papers, I was very resistant to sitting in front of a keyboard. That form of writing required way more discipline than the whimsical writing theme, which I enjoyed.

The Academic Transition: Valuing Research and Vocabulary

Doing research papers required hours of study shifting, using critical thinking skills not only to retain what I was reading but to dig deeper and draw conclusions and notations. Plus, most of these writings were lifeless and dry to me. It was not until I graduated high school and came to college that I could appreciate this type of writing for its academic and subtle creative value.

Surprisingly, I learned that research papers were persuasive papers all along. A thesis was used early in the paper to claim my stance on a topic, and the rest was just supporting material. A persuasive paper relies on past statistics, studies, and supporting opinions from scholars in a particular field. I owe my thanks to all the college teachers because, without them, I believe it would have been a lot harder to transition from high school to my entrance to college. Completing my first college English course required a lot of higher caliber of critical thinking and writing styles.

Today, I enjoy writing research papers over creative papers, but I am still less skilled because I avoided this type of writing for so long. The process evolved from choosing a topic that interested me to collecting information, drafting my beliefs, whether in agreement or current opinions, and finding. I have discovered that reading more intelligently worded articles, like different pieces from The New York Times, has dramatically increased my retention and utilization of wealthy, colorful vocabulary. I feel that I still fall short of possessing an extensive vocabulary. Being able to pull from a significant mental dictionary is something I would immensely like to see much more growth in.

My tastes and appreciation for writing have certainly changed throughout my lifetime. I have evolved from only enjoying writing for its fictional purposes to enjoying it for its academic uses. Even though there is still much room to prosper, I have come a long way from my early days of writing simple poems and short stories. I believe it is essential for any student wanting to lead a successful life past college to learn how to write clearly and concisely. A student may be able to fumble through college as a poor writer. However, the essential quality will give a person an edge over the competition and lift them to the ranks in the professional world.


  1. Nin, A. (1961). Seduction of the Minotaur. Swallow Press.
  2. Rowling, J.K. (1997). Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Bloomsbury.
  3. Snicket, L. (1999). The Bad Beginning: Book the First of A Series of Unfortunate Events. HarperCollins.
  4. Smith, J. (2020). The Value of Critical Thinking in Academic Writing. Journal of Educational Studies, 45(2), 123-139.
  5. Johnson, M. (2019). The Role of Vocabulary in Effective Writing. The New York Times.
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Why Writing is Important: A Personal Journey From Passion to Profession. (2023, Aug 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-writing-is-important-a-personal-journey-from-passion-to-profession/