Understanding “What of this Goldfish would you Wish”: the Impact of Past Experiences

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Understanding “What of this Goldfish would you Wish”: the Impact of Past Experiences

This essay will explore the short story “What of This Goldfish Would You Wish?” by Etgar Keret, focusing on how past experiences shape the decisions and outlook of the protagonist, Sergei. The narrative revolves around Sergei, who possesses a magical goldfish that grants three wishes, and how his past tragedies influence his reluctance to use these wishes. The piece will analyze the themes of loneliness, regret, and the burden of choice, offering insights into how our past can hold power over our present actions and decisions. The story also delves into moral dilemmas, prompting reflections on human nature and the complexities of making choices when given extraordinary power. The overview aims to highlight the story’s emotional depth and its commentary on the human condition. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Book.

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Theme of “What of This Goldfish Would You Wish”

The writer Joseph Conrad once said, “The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” Joseph is saying that evil is not something that is bestowed upon someone. It is created by people by their experiences and how they were raised. When we look at “What of this goldfish would you wish?” and “Young Goodman` brown.” We learn that your past experiences can affect how you see things now.

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The story “What of this Goldfish Would You Wish” by Etgar Keret starts with a young boy, Yonatan, making a film to sell to a big company. The film is about him asking, “If you found a talking goldfish that granted you three wishes, what would you wish for?” (Keret 1), and he got pretty exciting answers. Then we meet Sergei. “Sergei Goralick does not much like strangers banging on his door. Especially when those strangers are asking him questions.

Evolving Through Experiences

In Russia, when Sergei was young, it happened plenty. The KGB felt right at home knocking on his door.” Sergei did not like people coming to his door, so he moved to Jaffa, filled with addicts and pensioners. Sergei moved away to be alone and free to fish and live peacefully. Sergei got what he wanted: “Until one day, some kid with a ring in his ear comes knocking. Complex like that— rapping at his door. Just the way Sergei does not like. Moreover, he says to this kid that he has some questions he wants to put on the TV.” (Keret 3)

This event alone will remind him of events from his childhood and what caused him to move, which put him in fight or flight mode. At first, the kid with the earrings starts to ask him his question about the goldfish’s wishes until the boy spots Sergei’s goldfish. “Sergei does not like this, does not like that the boy is almost at it, already reaching for the jar. In this instant, Sergei understands the boy did not come from television; what he came for, specifically, is to snatch Sergei’s fish, to steal it away. Before the mind of Sergei Goralick understands what it is his body has done, he seems to have taken the burner off the stove and hit the boy in the head.” Sergei reacted in the wrong way because of what he experienced when he was younger, and that caused harm to someone.

Shadows of the Past in “Young Goodman Brown”

The story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne starts with Goodman Brown going to the forest near Salem village, where he leaves his wife, Faith. Not soon after he enters the forest, he meets this older man with whom he travels throughout the forest. He meets people he knows from Salem village through his time, but something seems wrong. “He had cast up his eyes in astonishment and, looking down again, beheld neither Goody Cloyse nor the serpentine staff, but his fellow traveler alone, who waited for him as calmly as if nothing had happened. ‘That old woman taught me my catechism,’ said the young man, and there was a world of meaning in this simple comment.” Goodman Brown starts to realize that he knows the people.

However, they do not appear the same in the forest.” that he recognized the voices of the minister and Deacon Gookin, jogging along quietly, as they were wont to do when bound to some ordination or ecclesiastical council. While within hearing, one of the riders stopped to pluck a switch.” Again, Goodman Brown runs into another man he knows from Salem, but what is he doing here? Goodman Brown then heads back into town, where he meets some of the people he saw in the forest, but his view has changed, and he becomes anti-social towards the town and even his wife.

Man learns from their experiences, and it helps them adapt to new ones and evolve if it ever happens again. Like in the stories above, Sergei and Mr. Brown’s past experiences affect how they proceed with their situation, and neither were for the best. However, people learn and overcome to better themselves.


  1. Conrad, J. (1902). Heart of Darkness. Blackwood’s Magazine.
  2. Keret, E. (2012). Suddenly, a Knock on the Door. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 
  3. Hawthorne, N. (1835). Young Goodman Brown. New England Magazine. 
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Understanding "What of This Goldfish Would You Wish": The Impact of Past Experiences. (2023, Aug 30). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-what-of-this-goldfish-would-you-wish-the-impact-of-past-experiences/