The Historic Moment of American Independence

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Updated: Jul 06, 2024
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The Historic Moment of American Independence

This essay is about the United States declaring its independence on July 4 1776. It explores the historical context leading up to the declaration including the economic and political grievances of the American colonies against British rule. The essay highlights key events such as the imposition of various taxes the Boston Tea Party and the battles of Lexington and Concord. It also discusses the influence of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” and the drafting of the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson. The adoption of the Declaration unified the colonies and established foundational principles of liberty and democracy that continue to shape American identity.

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On July 4 1776 the United States said “We’re outta here!” It was a big day that shouted freedom and love for country. Back then America and Britain weren’t getting along so well. The colonies felt taxed and fed up with British rules they didn’t agree to. They said “No way!” and started protesting. Some folks even threw tea into the harbor to show how upset they were.

Things got serious when fighting broke out at Lexington and Concord in 1775.

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That was like the starting gun for the Revolutionary War. The colonies then got together in Congress to figure out what to do next. People like Thomas Paine wrote powerful stuff that got folks fired up about breaking away from Britain for good.

Finally on July 4 1776 they made it official with the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson wrote it and everyone signed on saying they’d fight for their new country no matter what. This wasn’t just about politics—it was about standing up for rights and freedom.

The Declaration wasn’t just a piece of paper. It meant a lot. It told the world that America was its own place now based on fairness and people’s rights. It made other countries like France say “Hey we’ll help you out!” during the war.

That day in 1776 still means a lot to Americans. Every July 4th we celebrate with fireworks and parades to remember how we got started. The ideas in that Declaration—like freedom and fairness—have inspired folks all over the world ever since.

So on that hot summer day in 1776 America made a bold move that changed everything. It wasn’t just a break-up with Britain; it was the start of a whole new country built on big ideas about freedom and how people should live together.

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The Historic Moment of American Independence. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from