Use Information Correctly: Avoiding Plagiarism

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What is plagiarism? The purpose of this information is to advise students who are studying at University level about the consequences of plagiarism and how to avoid it. If one was to take another person’s work, thoughts, or ideas and then use it within their own work without giving due credit, then they would in effect be stealing, and this is called plagiarism. “Plagiarism is the act of passing off someone else’s thoughts, ideas or work as one’s own.

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” (Oxford Dictionary:2018) Students should not just copy someone else’s work, one needs to display their findings whilst still ensuring that they have correctly referenced. Using a variety of valid sources such as; books, journals and articles etc is a great way of making sure that the student understands the topic and can go ahead and write about their findings in a style unique to them. Suitable referencing should typically be included within the body of the text and within the reference list, this shows evidence of where the student has found their information. Not declaring the source of their findings may result in suspension or possible exclusion from the course on which the student is enrolled.

When using correct citations within the body of the text and within a reference list it is allowing the student as a reader to determine the source authorship of any intellectual property used within their academic work. By following simple rules with regard to avoiding plagiarism the student can ensure that they maintain their academic integrity. (McMillan, K., Weyers, J.,2013:5) When students complete their own research they must read around the topic that they are writing about, they can then go on to give details of their findings in their own words, known as paraphrasing within their own work. As stated within the book ‘how to cite, reference & avoid plagiarism at university; paraphrashing means; Restating the key ideas of a text, giving sense, idea or meaning in other words but in more detail than in summarising alone. (K.McMillan. J.Weyers) According to Indiana University (2014) Where a writer fails to cite both in text references and in-depth references intended to be inserted within a reference list, then they are committing what is known as paraphrasing plagiarism. The writer should always ensure proper referencing even when changing the words around into one’s own as simply exchanging the word positioning will not be sufficient and will still need to be properly referenced.

The student should be able to demonstrate critical thinking within their academic writing, showing that they are not dependent on work produced by other authors, or on work taken from other sources. What are the consequences of plagiarism? If a student was to submit coursework that was not referenced correctly, then generally the consequences would result in failure of the work and also an investigation into why it has happened. This was the case with a Dr. Raj persuade. As stated in the Guardian (2008) by Martin Wainwright, he described how Mr. Persuade, previously praised by the former foreign secretary Dr. David Owen for his work had been found to have committed plagiarism. Irrespective of his influential job role, Dr. Raj Persuade was found to have unlawfully used other specialist’s work within his own. He had failed to give recognition where due to the original authors. As a result, the psychiatrist was suspended from his position by the general medical council for three months due to his fraudulence. (Wainwright.M:2008)

How to avoid plagiarism To help one to avoid plagiarism within their academic work one would do well to read books or online articles on the subject of avoiding plagiarism. The learner can be sure to gain more of an in-depth knowledge and understanding on the matter by doing so, in turn, they will greatly reduce the failure of any submitted work by ensuring that it does not plagiarise. Do not allow anyone else to do your essays or assignments for you as this could likely cause you problems. In the past students have been known to buy essays online and have landed themselves in trouble by doing so. Be sure to take careful notes during lessons and lectures, aim to jot down any relevant references for the sources that you have looked at and take information from as you go along. Collecting all references as you go is a good way to make sure you wont forget the original sorce of the information that you have collected and have gone on to use within your academic writing. If the student is to find that they are stuck or are unsure they should ask a tutor for assistance on the matter to be on the safe side as they will more than likely be happy to help with the matter. (the Guardian, 2018) 

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Use Information Correctly: Avoiding Plagiarism. (2022, Feb 11). Retrieved from