My Way in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program

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As a first-generation college graduate, I believe that education has the power to change lives. Higher education has the power to impact not only the student but also the people surrounding the student and their community. I graduated in the spring of 2018 and began work at the Trauma Burn Intensive Care unit at UAB in June of that same year. As a new graduate, I was bombarded with hospitals and career paths that my new RN title could take me to.

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Thus, I have always aspired to further my education. When I discovered UAB, the motto “Knowledge that will change your world” struck a chord with me specifically during an interview. The manager asked me, “What are your education goals for the next 5 years?”

I was astonished that, as an employer, they cared so much about helping me achieve my educational goals. As a Registered Nurse, the medical field is ever-changing. Pursuing an MSN is not just a logical or natural progression of my career, but also a passionate growth to expand my knowledge and better care for my patients. I understand that UAB will not only provide the highest education for me but also give me the resources to expand and research the healthcare field as well.

As a new graduate nurse on a high-intensity care unit, my knowledge has already grown substantially from the start of my nursing career. Furthermore, I know I can apply my vast knowledge to my patients and their families in direct care. I have cared for patients from a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, allowing me to become more culturally competent. Therefore, I have developed an extensive medical knowledge spanning acute care, burns, traumas, and medical surgical cases. Additionally, I believe I would be a great candidate for the Family Nurse Practitioner program at UAB.

I possess a high sense of integrity, compassion, leadership, and excellence in my nursing career, all of which align with the UAB School of Nursing’s core values. Throughout my career, I have participated in direct interprofessional care with a variety of care providers. As a new graduate nurse with less than a year’s experience, I am excited to learn and expand my knowledge to better serve my patients. Consequently, I will bring an eager attitude and a fresh, open mind to learn. I will always provide the highest quality of care for my patients, and I know the University of Alabama at Birmingham will provide me with an equally high-quality education.

Moreover, before graduating from nursing school, I participated in a nursing study abroad trip with the University of North Alabama in Guatemala. During my trip, I worked directly with a Family Nurse Practitioner to treat, assess, and educate patients and families of all ages in our clinics. During our stay in Guatemala, I developed a passion for caring for and treating not only children and adults, but families as a whole. I discovered the great need for quality education and care that society today still lacks, not only in third world countries but also in communities in Alabama.

Coming from a small, poverty-stricken hometown, the need for quality healthcare and education is increasing in my own community. By continuing my education as a Family Nurse Practitioner, I can not only better myself, but also expand the knowledge and well-being of the people around me and in my community. Upon completion of my FNP program, I will pursue a position in a local clinic to better serve and educate children, adolescents, adults, and the geriatric population. As a Family Nurse Practitioner, I will strive to provide quality healthcare and education to my patients. This will give them the knowledge to change their world, just as UAB has changed mine.

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My Way in The Family Nurse Practitioner program. (2022, Aug 19). Retrieved from