Balancing Pressure and Mental Health: Why 60% of Gen Z Struggle to Prioritize Well-Being Over External Achievements

Posted: September 12, 2024
Last update date: September 12, 2024
3 min read

Take a Peek at 4 Key Takeaways

  • 62% of respondents feel that their external achievements often outweigh their mental well-being.
  • 87% believe performance anxiety is common in their generation, with 23% stating a fear of judgment or criticism as a main cause. 
  • 44% often rely on last-minute efforts to complete tasks, with 42% worrying about the quality of their work due to starting late.
  • 66% of Gen Z experience physical symptoms of anxiety before or during every stressful situation (e.g., sweating, shaking, rapid heartbeat).
  • 76% of Gen Z feel that anxiety levels would decrease if external validation were less emphasized.

Why Investigating Anxiety?

Are Gen Z in such an informational bubble that exacerbates their anxiety by expectations and amplifies repercussions of failure through social media coverage? The question is open.

For this reason, PapersOwl surveyed 2000 Gen Z to get their opinions about performance anxiety. This article is about what we’ve learned by analyzing the statistical data and opinion-based answers.

Fear, Pressure, Expectation, and Other … Around Anxiety

Are you experiencing performance anxiety, or do you belong to the blissful 2% of Gen Z who don’t have anxiety at all? Let’s discover it.

Blink twice if you recognize yourself in the following citations:

The pressure to perform well leads me to increased anxiety”.

“There is pressure to succeed everywhere or someone else will”.

“Excellence is expected by everyone and everywhere, but achieving it is not always possible”.

“I think how people are critiqued on public media adds to the commonality of performance anxiety.”

“Since everything is posted on social media, it is there for the world to see if you ever mess up.”

But what does Gen Z mean, on average, when talking about performance anxiety (like statistically)?

What 5 words come to mind when you think of performance anxiety? Word cloud

Is Performance Anxiety Common Among Gen Z?

Absolutely — the data speaks for itself. A staggering 87% of Gen Z respondents confirm that performance anxiety is a widespread issue within their generation, reflecting the immense pressure they face in both personal and professional settings.

Is performance anxiety common among Gen Z? Yes 87% No 13%

Anxiety levels fluctuate for many people throughout the year, with the most stress commonly reported during the summer and winter months. As the seasons change, external pressures like work, holidays, and social obligations can intensify feelings of anxiety. Our infographic highlights these seasonal trends, showing how certain times of the year are more anxiety-inducing than others.

51% of Gen Z feels the most pressure during summer and winter

Garfield Isn’t the Only to Hate Mondays

It’s no surprise that Monday is the most stressful day of the week, especially for Gen Z. However, what might catch some off guard is that Thursday ranks the least stressful. Indeed, this midweek break offers some relief before the weekend rush.

Thursday is the least stressful day of the week for Gen Z

Everyone Gets Nervous Before Big Events ─ Everything’s OK With You

The data reveals that a significant number of respondents often experience anxiety and pressure related to performance and tasks. For instance, 77% often or always feel nervous before big events, exams, or presentations, and 66% experience physical symptoms of anxiety during stressful situations. 

How often does Gen Z...

How often does Gen Z...

External Validation Should Be Less Emphasized

The data indicates that a substantial portion of respondents prioritize external achievements over their mental well-being, with 62% agreeing to some extent and 80% believing that societal pressures contribute significantly to their anxiety. 

62% of Gen Z prioritize achievements over mental health

For 80% of Gen Z, pressure to perform well contributes to anxiety

Moreover, 76% feel that anxiety levels would decrease if external validation were less emphasized, reflecting the pervasive impact of social expectations on mental health.

What does Gen Z think about societal pressure?

Are You Really Procrastinating? Maybe It’s Just a Pointless Task

The key factors that lead respondents to avoid tasks or responsibilities until the last moment are primarily a lack of motivation (42%) and feeling overwhelmed by the workload (42%). Fear of failure (42%) and procrastination (41%) also play significant roles. 

What makes Gen Z avoid tasks?

Physical Activity Supports Both Your Body and Your Mind

54% of Gen Z are skeptical about the existence of a working coping mechanism against anxiety.

54% of Gen Z don't believe there are effective mechanisms for coping with performance anxiety

And yet, they still try to fight their anxiety with a variety of approaches, with 62% preferring physical activity and 42% practicing mindfulness. Of those practicing mindfulness, 70% engage in physical activities and 30% refer to counselor services at the same time, demonstrating a complex approach. 21%, though, don’t engage in any activity to fight anxiety.

Gen Z fights anxiety with physical activiti and mindfulness

But the most interesting question remains open. Suppose that many people are having performance anxiety exhibited in some form, and more than half of them think there is no working solution against it. What motivates them to complete their tasks nonetheless?

Gen Z are motivated to push through by feelings of responsibility, internal motication and care for their families

Methodology: Researchers from PapersOwl surveyed 2,000 members of Generation Z to compile this study. Randomly selected participants were asked to discuss their experiences, with no emphasis on a specific gender, ethnicity, or social background.


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