Shining Light on What Natural Light Does For Your Body

08 Jan 2023

Of course using natural light instead of artificial light reduces energy consumption and lowers your electricity bill.  But did you know how important natural light is important to your productivity and overall health?  Check out all the benefits of seeking sunlight instead of flipping on the light switch.

Natural light boosts your body’s vitamin D storage

Vitamin D is important for absorbing calcium and promoting bone growth, as well as helping prevent certain types of cancers, heart disease, depression and weight gain.  Yet, many Americans have a vitamin D deficiency due to a lack of outdoor sun exposure. So get outside since scientists suggest that Vitamin D may be helpful in treating many different disorders and diseases, such as autism, cancer, diabetes, chronic pain and depression.

Natural light leads to higher productivity

A study by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology found that employees working in natural light recorded higher levels of energy than those working under artificial light.  Another study showed 40 percent higher sales at checkout counters located beneath skylights. This data confirms what many studies have shown: natural light leads to enhanced productivity.

Natural light benefits vision

Computer screens, smart phones and florescent light can cause eye strain that can lead to permanent eye damage. Natural light has been shown to lower the risk of nearsightedness in children and young adults by helping the eye produce dopamine, which aids in healthy eye development.

Natural light helps you sleep

Research shows that the amount of sunlight you receive during the day has a direct impact on how much sleep you get at night. Direct sunlight, especially early in the morning for at least half an hour, produces the most benefit for a good night’s sleep while artificial lighting has little to no effect. In fact, artificial light before bed and at night can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer if you’re unable to consistently obtain quality sleep.

Natural light improves your mood

Did you know that there is a type of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder, which affects many people in the winter when they do not receive enough sunlight? Scientists believe that the “happy” hormone called serotonin increases when nights are short and days are long.  In fact, many psychiatrists recommend that people get out in the sunlight for at least 30 minutes a day to help prevent or treat depression.

So, put on some sunscreen, go outside and enjoy some spring weather. Your body will thank you.

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