We will share the tips for those who want to be a part of the solution

When the 21st century came along, many thought that the major problems of previous decades would finally be solved and left behind. One of the issues that’s among the biggest ones is racial discrimination in general, including systemic racism in education. The events in recent years have shown that racial inequality in education and other areas is still very much present..
The Black Lives Matter movement created in 2013 highlights the issues black people deal with on a day-to-day basis. But as it seems, the problems in various areas keep piling up.
The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others are screaming the same thing – it’s time to wake up and go in the direction of solving the problem.


How Systemic Racism Infiltrates Education

The idea of equality should not just be an idea. It should be something that every individual adopts as a way of life. However, many people face structural racism that has been implanted in the policy and legislation of organizations and society. It shows itself as discrimination in various areas, including employment, criminal justice, housing, and education.

Sadly, black students may feel the consequences of institutional racism in schools early, starting in preschool. As systemic racism in education statistics shows, 50 % of all preschool suspensions are represented by black students. The next step is K-12, and while you may think the story of inequality will get better and the focus will be on students learning, it only gets worse. For example, the numbers are terrible when black and white students carry out similar infractions. Minority students are suspended and expelled more often than white, up to three times.

Many students can’t handle the pressure and the impact the suspensions bring, especially when repeated. As a result, many often decide that it would be better to give up and drop out. Needless to say, students of color are the ones that are leaving more often and decide to drop up, and the graduation rate is much lower than the rate of white students.

Bertha Graham
Expert Writer at PapersOwl

Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education

When anyone in the world thinks about the land of opportunity and freedom, it means that the thoughts are about the United States. But, part of the history of this mighty country is slavery. While slavery has been successfully eradicated, it can’t be said that its effects have disappeared as well. Unfortunately, that did not happen. In today’s society, black communities and people of color don’t have the same level of access to resources as white ones. 

YMCA poll finds 70% feel under pressure over afro hair, 95% hear racist language

The unequal access to educational resources in school is quite apparent as well. The number of diverse teachers and teachers of color is low, but that is not the only issue. The minority students’ schools miss adequate funding, but many other problems show the disparities in the school system

every step of the way. Racist policies in education are apparent, and the issue should be addressed in various ways, starting with proper legislation, equitable funding, teacher support, and more.

“In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist.
We must be anti-racist.”
Angela Davis


What Is Systemic Racism in Education?

Equality and racial justice should represent the foundation of a healthy educational network. However, the reality is entirely different, and there is a connection between racism and education that should not exist by any means.

There are different forms of educational discrimination. It occurs when the entity or a person acts unfairly (or does not act at all) against people that are a part of specific categories. Discrimination can be based on different things, including religion, age, national origin, to name a few. Unfortunately, discrimination based on race is very present, and some serious action is required against racism in schools today.

The unfair action usually comes from other students, but more often than not, it also comes from teachers and administrators. Such actions that often can be highly harsh can affect students’ mental health in a negative way, which can lead to many other problems.

Examples of Institutional Racism in Education

Institutional racism in schools can be recognized by the existence of systematic policies and actions that provide a different level of access to opportunities based on race. There are many examples of racism in the education system, and here are some of them:

Low Motivation

On average, a black student will more likely attend a school with low-paid teachers or inexperienced ones. Often, the quality of teaching in school is low. The educators do not have the capacity to recognize the strengths and qualities of black children. In addition, their teaching techniques are poor.

Number of Enrollment

In recent years, black student college enrollment has increased. However, the number of those who enroll is still lower than the number of students that belong to other ethnic and racial groups.

Lack of Support

The number of black teachers in a school is low, and black children often don’t have an adult around who looks like them and who they can turn to in case of need. As a result, they may not perform on the highest level.

Discriminatory Practices

College tradition among Black families is low due to discriminatory practices and laws that have left out generations of students.

Unfair Attitude

The black student is 3.5 x more likely to be suspended from school than a white student.

Financial Barriers

Financial barriers are all around. The application fees are significant for a variety of things. Every financial barricade affects other things and creates more problems.


How to End Systemic Racism in Education?

Fixing educational inequality and putting an end to a problem that has existed for so long is anything but easy. It is essential to understand that the issue is highly complex, and it is a part of society. With that being said, it is crucial that every individual becomes aware of it and becomes part of the solution. Even the most minor steps can make a big difference, even though it may not seem like that at first. Educational systems can be improved, teaching can be taken to a whole new level, and the racial injustice in every school can be a thing of the past.

Starting with baby steps is perfectly fine. Start by informing others about the problem. You can talk about it with your family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. The more people know about it, the number of those who will engage in putting an end to it will increase.

Next, you can start advocating for equitable funding. As you know, funds are essential in every field, and the educational area is no exception. Black and other students of color usually go to public schools that lack resources. It creates a variety of problems, including infrastructure issues. Funding is an integral part of the entire story as it may fix many things, at least the ones of technical nature. Becoming an advocate for it would be of significant help.

It is imperative to get involved in the school board’s work as a parent. You can hear a lot of stereotypes right then and there, but you will have the chance to address them.

You can discuss it with teachers and other board members. Talk about creating safe spaces where students of color can gather, talk, be there for one another.

You can join in the work of local organizations that spread awareness about the problem on social media and actively work on solving it. Everyone can work together towards changing selection criteria to make sure students won’t be pushed aside.

Many students cannot enjoy the options and possibilities others can because they live in a specific area.

The world has seen many improvements over the years. But, unfortunately, some things are still there, which are supposed to be long gone. Racial injustice in the educational field has been bothering generations, and regrettably, it is a problem that still exists and is yet to be solved.

The kids are often treated differently because they have different skin color. The problem begins at an early age when they are in preschool. As they get older and move up, the issues remain, and they often get more significant. A black student is more likely to be suspended or expelled than the white one, even when they do the same thing. In addition, black and students of color face various problems daily. Other students, teachers, and administrative workers often mistreat them. Getting into college is a dream of many, and completing it and getting a degree is an even bigger one.

“We must listen to what young black people are saying right now, and create the fundamental and vital change they are crying out for in order to create a better present and a brighter future.”
Denise Hatton, YMCA England and Wales


Due to how they are treated, they often decide to give up. Some choose to drop out later than others. Many manage to go to the finish line, but the number of those who achieve that goal is still very low.


Fortunately, people are more and more aware of the problem and are working towards solving it. Every individual should become a part of the fight for justice and a better world. You can begin by gathering as much info on the issue as you can and start spreading it among your friends, family, and the community.


The most important thing is to start acting. Even the most minor acts that are fair and aimed in the right direction can make an enormous difference and lead to big things.

About the Author

Bertha is a blogger and an expert in education. She has a lot of publication in initial journals, etc. Bertha is an avid traveller who likes to research new countries. She is professional essay writer who can reveal even the most complicated topics.

Bertha Graham
Expert Writer