Wuthering Heights Novel

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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The five examples that I have come across with, that represent the gothic theme in the novel from chapter 1 through 10 are weather, supernatural, revenge, suffering, and death. One day a huge snowstorm has approached that prevent Mr. Lockwood from leaving, and no one seems to be interested in helping him to reach home, Mr. Heathcliff shows no hospitality and “Gnasher and Wolf—become so excited by the scene that they floor Lockwood, giving him a bloody nose”(chapter 2). Weather is a big part of the gothic theme because it represents the seasonal storms and the scary night that fits well into the novel of Wuthering Heights.

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Lockwood told Mr. Heathcliff that he had a dream, and the ghost,and told him he was persuaded that the house is haunted.That made Heathcliff become very scared but he seems to hide his feelings. But Lockwood could actually understand that something is going wrong with him. When Lockwood sees that Heathcliff was sobbing and shouting through the broken window “Cathy, do come. Oh, do-once more! Oh! My heart’s darling, hear me this time—Catherine at last!” (chapter 3). As we see from the beginning of the novel there are many supernatural elements. The people, moors and the Wuthering Heights are all infused with the idea of supernatural elements.

As, a child Heathcliff is harassed by others for being dark and unnatural representative of the supernatural. Revenge is a powerful theme of the novel because When Heathcliff can’t have the person he loves, he than suddenly tries to turn his attention to take a revanage of his childhood tormenter Hindley (chapter 10). We also see that many of the characters suffer from the either physical or emotional trauma that leads them to die from it. Even though Heathcliff tries to avoid physical illness, he wasn’t able to due to his love for Catherine that causes him huge suffering. Heathcliff suffers due to his lover’s death Catherine.

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Wuthering Heights Novel. (2021, Mar 26). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/wuthering-heights-novel/