Transmission Electron Microscopy Techniques

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Updated: Oct 19, 2023
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Transmission Electron Microscopy Techniques

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) offers detailed imaging at the atomic level. This essay would delve into the technical aspects of TEM, its principles, applications in fields like biology and materials science, and advancements in techniques that have expanded its capabilities. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Chemistry topic.

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In this study, the researchers cultured 42GPA9 and HeLa cells on the cover slide for one day and transfected with Cx43-GFP. The researchers applied high-resolution microscopy to study the cells. Also, they used computer software to study the cells. The JEM-2100 Transmission Electron Microscope is a machine that provides the solution for a broad are of problems in the area of biological sciences, materials, and Nano electronics. The JEM-2100 is precisely very simple to use as it has a system of remote control.

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The JEM-2100 has a stage o for high tomography applications. The JEM-2100is are good for diffraction and analytical as it has three condenser lenses that are independent. The JEM-2100 has a conical feature that is used for imaging (Goodhew, Humphreys, & Beanland, 2001). The Raman Spectroscopy is one technique which was created to observe rotational, vibrational and low-frequency modes in a structure. This technique is said to monochromatic, scattering inelastic light. The light from the laser interacts with the vibrations resulting in the shift of the photons.

The Raman Spectroscopy has complications when separating light from inelastic with the scattered high-intensity laser light. The vibration levels of the sample and the scattered light produce energy after the two interact. The Raman Spectroscopy is said to be compatible with quantitative and qualitative applications. A Confocal Raman Microscope alpha300 R is the new modification of the Raman which is said to be very effective. This machine is said to acquire information using the resolution non-destructively. The WITec 300 Raman Microscope is a non-optical imaging device that permits 3D measurements and investigation of an object surface. This machine has a high-resolution rate and magnification rate (McCreery, 2000).The other method for determining protein concentration is the Bradford or Coomassie brilliant blue protein assay. The study revealed the transfect ion of HeLa cells involves numerous stages  (1) tethering of the arrow  (2) detachment of the trilaminar double membrane due to excess magnification  (3) appearance of intraluminal vesicles between the inner out membranes of the AGJ.

The images obtained from electron microscopy revealed the double membrane framework of cells. Several observations were made in the course of the experiment. Initially, there was nothing to report after placing the compounds in an ice bath. The mix was then weighed into the flask, and the weight was found to be 2.02 g. 4.0 ml of acetic anhydride was added to the flask, which appeared slightly cloudy upon swirling. After adding sulphuric acid, the mixture became clear. Eventually, the mixture became cloudy again and thicker. The warmth was noted. No large solids were observed, and the swirling continued. Vacuum apparatus was assembled as per manual and water added to flask very little solids were noted.

The Filter paper weighed 0.37 g, and a vacuum seal observed. Majority of the mixture expelled and 3 ml of ionized water added to rinse out remaining solids.15 ml of ionized was water poured over top. The mixture allowed drying for 10 minutes while a hot bath was prepared. The pressure was released, and the water was turned off. The watch glass weight at this point was 31.10g. Crystals were then introduced into the watch glass, and it was placed in the locker to dry till the next day. The vacuum was disassembled, filtrate disposed of in receptacle. The glass and contents weighed 33.55 g.`

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Transmission Electron Microscopy Techniques. (2019, Sep 18). Retrieved from