There are Many Efforts in the World to Improve Life.

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 There is no doubt that there are a lot of efforts are exerted in the whole global to get a better life. these exerted efforts are SDGs which are The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a series of 17 global goals designed for a ‘sustaining future for all.’ The SDGs were set by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2015 and are to be met by 2030. There are a list of targets measured by indicators in each of the 17 sustainable development goals.

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Data on the 17 targets were made available in a simple and understood way to make the SDGs successful. To monitor and visualize the progress towards the targets, a variety of resources exist. The 17 goals have 169 targets. Each target has one to three indicators used to measure progress towards achieving the targets. A total of 232 approved measures are available which will assess compliance. The United Nations Development Program has been asked to provide lists of targets, facts and figures easily understandable for each of the 17 SDGs.

The eighth goal is (decent work and economic growth ) . The main aims of this goal are Building fair and decent work prospects and safe livelihoods Enable inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurship, Promoting better government policies and public institutions which are fair and accountable, Develop business potential and financial stability through community micro-enterprise projects and cooperatives to minimize dependence on extractive activities , Provide training to boost and diversify employment, strengthen current skills and develop new skills to facilitate sustainable solutions to historically harmful behaviour and Increase demand for local products and services, prioritize local partnerships and provide access (where necessary) to adequate finance to promote sustainable economic growth. The whole global and the Arab nation are exerting more efforts to achieve these targets. Egypt is also exerting much more efforts to achieve (Egypt’s vision 2030).


First of all and before we start talking about the main topic we have to know and realize what SDGs means and why it is important.

The Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) are a set of 17 global objectives that were intended to be ‘a blueprint for a better and more prosperous future for all.’ The SDGs, set by the UN General Assembly in 2015 and planned to be completed by 2030, are part of UN Resolution 70/1, the Agenda 2030. SDGs has a lot of aims. The aims were to eliminate all forms of poverty and reduce inequalities around the world. They have concentrated on mobilizing efforts to combat climate change and protect the environment.

Those 17 global objectives in their right order are :

  1. To get rid of poverty.
  2. To get rid of hunger.
  3. To have good health and well-being.
  4. To have a quality education.
  5. To have gender equality.
  6. To get clean water and sanitation.
  7. To have clean and affordable energy.
  8. To have decent work and economic growth.
  9. Develop industry, innovation and infrastructure.
  10. To get rid of inequality.
  11. To have sustainable cities and communities.
  12. To have responsible consumption and production.
  13. To take climate action.
  14. To save life below water.
  15. To save life on land.
  16. To have peace, justice and strong institutions.
  17. Partnerships for the goals.


The objectives are broad and interdependent. The 17 SDGs each have a list of targets that are measured with indicators. In an effort to make the SDGs successful, data on the 17 objectives was made available in an easy-to-understand form. There are a variety of tools available to track and visualize progress towards the objectives. The SDGs are very important because they are a powerful advocacy platform to help implement and monitor the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Sustainable development helps to use resources appropriately, and also protects technological resources. It fulfils the basic human needs. It also assists in combating climate change and emissions. Sustainable development broadens the sustainability dream.

1. Basics and background

The 17 SDGs are integrated — that is, they understand that intervention in one field can impact results in others, and growth needs to balance sustainability in social , economic and environmental terms. That means that any development that occurs in only one filed will affect on many other fields on a good way and that’s why we have to realize that even one filed can change our livies in a good way or in bad way .

In promising to Leave No One Behind, countries have dedicated themselves to fast-tracking progress for those furthest behind first. Therefore, the SDGs are intended to bring the world to a range of life-changing ‘zeros,’ including zero poverty, hunger, Hiv, and violence against women and girls. Which means that coumtries and nations must be united so that these targets can be achieved successfully. The main target of SDGs is to erase poverty, hunger, inequality and wars.

To meet those ambitious targets, everyone is needed. To achieve the SDGs in every context, the creativity, know-how, technology and financial resources from all of society is needed. Criticism was aimed at the idea of sustainable development, including the question of whether to maintain in sustainable development. It has been argued that there is no such thing as a sustainable use of a non-renewable resource, because any successful rate of production would inevitably lead to the depletion of the limited stock of earth this viewpoint makes the Industrial Revolution as a whole unsustainable. With an ambiguous and insubstantial concept attached as the slogan for public relations.

1.1 History of sustainable development

Sustainable development has its roots in the ideas of sustainable forest management developed in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. Due to the growing awareness of the depletion of timber resources in England, John Evelyn argued that ‘sowing and planting trees must be considered a national duty of every landowner to stop the destructive over-exploitation of timber. The care of the environment made a lot of people think about the relation between the environment and the economy. The emerging environmental movement drew attention in 1962 to the relationship between economic growth and creation and deterioration of the environment. In his 1966 influential essay The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth, Kenneth E. Boulding identified the need for the economic system to adapt with its limited resource pools to the ecological system.

1.2 The main aim of SDGs

The SDGs are made up of 232 indicators, used to measure progress towards the 169 targets. Of those indicators, 50 are directly related to children, such as mortality rates under 5, child labor rates, and reading and math skill rates. The SDGs call on all nations to monitor those indicators by gathering and disaggregating national data by gender , age, and other demographics. The SDGs build on the work of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, which lasted from 2000 to 2015 and focused on halving the world’s poverty-stricken population and reducing the gender gap in access to education for girls. The Millennium Development Goals focussed on poverty reduction and inequality among the world’s developing nations. The SDGs extend their scope to tackle the reduction of all populations living in all forms of poverty. They also concentrate extensively on developing global data collection and maintenance strategies on each indicator to ensure progress towards the targets at a time when global migration is rapidly changing nations’ demographic landscape.

2.3 UNICEF’s role

UNICEF is the keeper of 10 of the 232 indicators and a co-keeper of seven more. As the custodian, these indicators are responsible for data collection , analysis, and management, monitoring progress towards goals, and working with governments to address data gaps. UNICEF is collaborating with the National Statistics Offices of individual countries to collect required data, including the introduction of household surveys such as National Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS). Many of UNICEF’s indicators are related to hunger and health, such as rates of child stunting, waste, and overweight and gender equality, such as child marriage rates and female genital mutilation. In addition , they are responsible for measuring and reporting on infant and neonatal mortality rates, birth attendance abilities, early childhood growth, levels of abusive abuse encountered by children, and child sexual assault. A lot of this indicators also refer to data previously collected through the MICS conducted in developed countries between 2000 and 2015, allowing them to report on these measures and to make progress towards the objectives during the first few years of the new Agenda.

1.3 National pathways to SDGs

The recently adopted global Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) would have major consequences in the post-2015 to 2030 timeframe for national development planning in developed as well as developing countries. Integrated, nationally owned SDG strategies will be at the center of national efforts to implement the new SDG agenda. The long-term processes and system perspectives inherent in the SDGs present complex analytical challenges for Analysts and policymakers. Scenario analysis and quantitative modelling will be important analytical tools to support national sustainable development planning, and decision-makers will have an increasingly sophisticated set of models available. This paper examines and tests a broad variety of different quantitative models with the ability to Support national sustainable development planning and the range of models available to decision-makers is increasingly sophisticated.


After noting all this information we know have to talk about the eighth target which is (Decent work and economic growth ) and talk about this target and its effects on the global,region and Egypt. First of all, we have to know what decent work is.

Decent work is a job which ‘respects the fundamental rights of the human person as well as the rights of workers in terms of conditions of work safety and remuneration. respect for the physical and mental integrity of the worker in the exercise of his / her work.’

Decent work is extended to the formal as well as an informal market. This needs to handle all sorts of work, individuals and families. The International Labor Organization (ILO) reports that Decent work involves productive employment opportunities and fair income, workplace security and family social protection, better prospects for personal development and social inclusion, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in decisions affecting their lives and equal opportunities and treatment for all women and men. The ILO Decent Work Agenda is a holistic and integrated programmatic framework for achieving the goals of full and sustainable jobs and decent work for all at global, international, national, sectoral and local levels. It has four pillars: work standards and freedoms, job creation and growth of businesses, social security and social dialogue. The importance of decent work is because Work is one of the few experiences most of humanity has in common. Not only does it play an obvious and crucial role in the well-being of the workers and their families, but it also paves the way for the broader social and economic development of individuals, their communities and societies.

But progress does not depend in a solo way on the availability of enough work but also on its quality. Work that locks people into slavery or deprivation (instead of freeing them from it), or exposes them to risks, injustice or vulnerability, does not enable individuals – or the economies in which they are part – to progress and realize their potential. ‘Decent Work for All’ is thus the principle which guides the work of the ILO.

The great importance of decent work is the reason why it is the eighth target of SDGs as if decent work was available to everyone as everyone’s right this will help in making progress.

There are four elements of decent work ( job creation, rights at work, social protection and social dialogue ).

The first element is Work production or job creation which means that nobody should be barred from their dream career because of. a lack of work opportunities.

The second element is Work rights, including minimum wages – Workers’ rights include the right to fair and favorable conditions, days off, 8-hour days off, non-discrimination and living wages, among others, for them and their families.

The third element is Social protection which means tthat All workers should have healthy working conditions, sufficient spare time and rest, access to health care, pensions and parental leave, among many others.

And the forth element is Social dialogue as Workers should be able to exercise democracy in the workplace through their unions and negotiate their working conditions, as well as national and international policies on labor and development.

Now we have to know what economic growth means, Economic growth arises in real goods and services production, measured from one period of time to the next. It can be measured in terms of nominal or real (inflation-adjusted). Overall economic growth is usually calculated in terms of either gross national product ( GNP) or gross domestic product ( GDP), although alternate metrics are also used. Economic prosperity generates greater income for businesses. This results in an increase in stock prices. That gives companies capital to invest and recruit more employees. As more jobs are created, the revenue increases. There’s more money for consumers to buy additional products and services. Purchases fuel greater growth in the economy. For this reason, positive economic growth is what every country wants. That makes economic growth the most-watched indicator of economic growth.

It is difficult to measure growth, particularly for periods when little information is available. Following the Second World War, national accounts were developed in most countries, offering various ways to calculate per capita income (GDP), etc. Making data comparable across countries needs correction to obtain estimates capturing the real buying power of revenue for variations in price rates.

Economic growth appears to be strong in countries where private-sector companies show a high rate of investment in machinery and equipment and the public and private sectors invest in infrastructure to promote the production and selling of goods and services (energy, transport, communications). In addition, a great number of working-age people are available in this ideal country to be engaged in successful activities. Workers were taught in high-quality schools, allowing them to perform complex tasks.

Economic growth can be measured in terms of ‘nominal,’ or ‘real.’ Nominal economic growth refers to the rise in net dollar value over time. This includes changes in both the production volume and the prices of the goods and services being produced. After showing the meaning of decent work and the meaning of economic growth we will talk about them both as the eighth target of SDGs.

The number of workers living in severe poverty has decreased significantly over the last 25 years , given the enduring effects of the economic crisis of 2008 and the global recession. The middle class now accounts for more than 34 per cent of total jobs in developing countries – a figure that has nearly tripled between 1991 and 2015.

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There are many efforts in the world to improve life.. (2021, Oct 16). Retrieved from