The Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

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Updated: Apr 10, 2022
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Out of all the dramas read during these past few weeks, Hedda Gabler and Macbeth are the two that stuck out in many people’s minds. Throughout our lives, we encounter these types of people. Sometimes they have a huge impact, a small one, or no impact at all. Hedda Gabler and Lady Macbeth are most likely the closest characters architecturally and psychanalytically. Hedda Gabler’s life before marriage was one of an aristocrat. She had the finer things in life until her father’s passing.

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When he died, he left her his pistols. She eventually got married, but she was unhappy since her husband wasn’t rich like her father used to be. Hedda is seemingly very controlling. According to Berta, “…Lord, the young mistress wanted so much unpacked before she could settle down”.

That is the first glimpse into the controlling/power aspect we see of Hedda. Not only does that quote show how controlling she may be, but it also shows the slight amount of secrecy involved in the conversation. This shows how she has the power to intimidate people when she isn’t around. We are shown her need for socialization when Aunt Julle asks Berta about the chair covers. MISS TESMAN. But, Berta-what’s this now? Why have you taken all the slipcovers off the furniture? BERTA. The mistress told me to. She said she can’t stand covers on chairs. MISS TESMAN. But are they going to use this for their everyday living room? BERTA. Yes, they will. At least she will. He- the doctor- he didn’t say anything. This conversation makes it seem that she expects social interaction, and later this is what drives her “crazy” when she doesn’t get what she expects. She has a unique social life, and she feels the need to be social to kill time or to show how intelligent she is.

Hedda is a narcissist. Some even characterize her as a femme fatale. The above quote is the first sign of narcissism we see. Her craving for social interaction or a need for continual admiration from others is a big sign of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Not only that, but her “need” for the six-month long honeymoon despite the cost according to George Tesman. TESMAN. …But Hedda just had to have that trip, Auntie. She really had to. There was no choice. This also speaks to George’s need to lavish her with gifts due to her expectancy of expensive things. She expects superior treatment from other people, especially her husband. This is another big sign of narcissism. Now, narcissist can be controlling, but it’s usually not directly controlling. Hedda is controlling directly in little ways, such as, when she could have shut the blinds herself, she chooses to tell George to on page 296. 

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The Macbeth And Lady Macbeth. (2022, Apr 10). Retrieved from