The Dark Heart Criticism

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African Landscapes Africa’s image “The Dark of the Heart” says “The Territory of its African image is considered to be a complete human being.” The main criticism of Achebe is the blasphemy and blasphemy of Konrad’s blacks Achebe Konrad ” African Americans denied their words and said they were condemned to their own mouths of blasphemy. “After the reading of the African heart’s heart and African image, Konrad” considered “discrimination against bloody race” which has not been taken into account since its inception, which is today’s remarkable work in literature – poor imperialism in African civilization – the main reason behind this is that Conrad has denied Africans the language, culture, and human nature.

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In the article “An Image of Africa” based on the critic novel “The Heart of Darkness” against the image of the darkness and Africa, Chinua Achebe believes that Conrad does not regard his African character as totally humanistic I will. The main criticism of Achebe concerns African-American depreciation and in humanization by Conrad. Achebe called Conrad a “bloody racist.” Africans were given a speech whether they were refused to speak only to condemn themselves from their mouths. Conrad’s assessment as Achebe’s “blood racist” after reading the dark heart and the “image of Africa” is invalid because it does not take into account the exact past African past periodicity It seems unfair. Feel, this will make this story a wonderful job.

Today’s literature; evil of imperialism to African culture. The main argument advocated by Achebe is that Conrad loses humanity by robbing their language, culture, and basic human traits. In the “Heart of Darkness”, especially the Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe criticized the center of the dark. In the 1975 public speech “Image of Africa: Racial Discrimination in Conrad’s Darkness”, Achebe expressed Conrad’s novel as “a book with a hatred and disgust” and made it African. I lost the human race. Achebe said that Conrad was sneaking out of ‘… and foreign phobia’, ignoring the artistic achievements of people living in the Congo river at the time of publication of this book, erroneously releasing Africa to European and civilized I believe that it was described as opposite. Achebe’s “The image of Africa: The Conrad’s Darkness in Racial Discrimination” (The Massachusetts Review, 18 (1977): 782-94) expressed Conrad ‘s “heart of darkness” in Africans and Africans in his novel Has a warm opposite view and depiction. The new “collapse” of Achebe can be regarded as a direct objection to Conrad’s “dark heart” and is considered a challenge to Conrad’s view on the west side. We will explore the effectiveness of Achebe’s “Conrad’s Darkness in Racial Discrimination” in language, identity, religion, and culture. (Achebe, 8) Achebe’s “African Behavior: Racial discrimination in the hearts of the Conrad” (1977). To study the definition of “cruelty” in Konrad, the fact that Achebe’s imperialist structure is not offensive to the novel is their victim. Marlowe, who speaks this story, describes, “Africans are not human.” It’s a hypothesis that they were not human. “However, this novel is dark and not anonymous, and the tongue is not nearly fluctuating – their only explanation is that Achebe concludes that” race against racism discrimination “.

The Dark Heart Criticism, African Landscapes Africa’s image “The Dark of the Heart” says “The Territory of its African image is considered to be a complete human being.” The main criticism of Achebe is the blasphemy and blasphemy of Konrad’s blacks Achebe Konrad ” bloody rape “, so Africans denied their words and gave their voices to blame themselves. Achebe ‘s article’ Image of Africa: Conrad ‘s Darkness in Racial Discrimination’ shows that Achebe undefined believes Conrad’s dark heart is racial discrimination. He is dissatisfied with Conrad ‘s racial discrimination and his insensitivity to Africans. “The Heart of Darkness” regards the image of Africa as “another world”, which is the opposite of Europe and the opposite of civilization. “Here, Achebe showed his feelings about the dark spirit, keep away from Africa and others! He found him in the dark.” In this novel, Achebe wrote a story of social consolidation of Ibo from the African perspective.

In his essay “The image of Africa: racial discrimination in the darkness”, Achebe believes Conrad treats the handling of African indigenous people in the dark as racial discrimination. Achebe focuses on Africa’s view as Conrad’s “other world”. It is the opposite of Europe and is therefore a civilization (Achebe, 3). However, Achebe’s criticism began with the blind spot of the word “darkness of the mind”, the mystification of Conrad’s landscape, how to make Africans “unbelievable” or “I cannot understand”. If Shakespeare invented humans as Bloom claimed, Conrad in Europe helped to invent and persist savages. If Shake Spear could include all human beings, all philosophy and psychology before and after every one of us might dream of or think about everything, Achebe and other multiculturalists disdain Conrad’s right The trace is from his African character. After reading both, “The Heart of Darkness and Image of Africa”, Conrad “considered” discrimination against bloody race “, it did not take into account the constant impression of the past in Africa, which is today’s remarkable work of literature. Imperfects in African civilization.

The main reason for the accident is that Conrad has denied Africans the language, culture, and human nature. (Achebe)Likewise, Conrad and Chinua Achebe are also associated. However, Achebe led to the claim against Conrad. In 1975, a novelist in Nigeria published a spree entitled “African Image: Racial Discrimination in the Darkness of Joseph Conrad”, which was later announced as an article. He is based on the insight of landmark literary critic Es’kia Mphahlele. He accuses Europeans like Conrad as drawing history of Africans, not history. Achebe went further and called Conrad “a bloody racist.” This critical point of view is an inevitable companion to discuss writers’ work.

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