The Computer-Generated Simulation Image or Environment – VR

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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How it works

Virtual reality is the computer-generated simulation image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by person. It is used for entertainment like video games,simulation, or to see something new. Many companies use virtual reality to sell products like sony,mircrosoft, etc.You can use it to train for a career. It can also be used for designing for example engineers can use it for designing a building or fair ride.It can be used by a medical student.

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Youtubers use it for views and content for subscribers. Virtual reality is the future for many of us.

Virtual reality goes back farther. It was first studied in the 1800s and in 1838 the first stereoscope which is a device where two photos of the same thing are taken and viewed together creating an impression of depth and solidity. It was until the mid 1980s by Jaron Lanier, head of VPL Research started developing gear for virtual reality such as goggles and gloves. Even before then 1956 Morton Heilig made the Sensorama which was a simulation of riding a motorcycle you were able to see the road,fill the vibration, hear the engine, and smell the motor’s exhaust.

Virtual reality is a very complex technology. The very first interactable virtual reality was was made in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull. It was connected to a computer with no camera. It was big and scary looking mechine that was to heavy to wear and was suspended from the ceiling. Virtual reality is used in many different ways like first gaming, it gives a lot of new impression on gaming and allows you to react more.

Another way is watching films it gives a wider view of a movie and it allows you to see different angles and all the films are 3D.You also use virtual reality for visiting places like, if you don’t have the money to travel, you could purchase a VR headset and take a look at that. That is why virtual reality is emerging technology today.

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The Computer-Generated Simulation Image or Environment - VR. (2019, Jul 29). Retrieved from