The Character and Leadership

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Updated: Apr 09, 2022
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A theory can be defined to be a collection of knowledge or training that employers offer to their employees. With these knowledge and trainings help employees to perform effectively and also solve problems. Theory is also used to expatiate problems in a particular setting and should address practical problems and that is why scholars like believed that the main focus of theory is in its application. Explanatory theory has been used in practice by explaining the automation of large data amounts, and to make things easier for users to access it.

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For further advancement of research theory and how to be able to explain complicated phenomena lead to the study of these theories. For example, the structure of Walmart employees theoretically is in expressions of years of service and position in the company (like upper or lower management) thus the theory is dominated by the prevailing groups in the company.

Then there is the production of facts, influenced by power interests i.e. who benefits from the research carried out. Companies or corporations ranging from education, retail, and governmental agencies have issues a report on the characteristics of this demographic in an attempt to understand what motivates and engages them. Understanding employees is critical in developing an effective training program for them. The concept of generations becomes useful for management as they conceptualize their corporate culture, trainings, business practices, social networking, and management challenges. I think rather than focusing on conforming to popular stereotypes what is more precedent is how to better assist this population who are about to embark into the workforce.

Each employee has been stereotyped by its coherent characteristics. They are empowering, optimistic, and require enormous amounts of attention. This group is well into the workforce. Others are finishing graduate school while many more is looking ahead into important roles such as business or health professions. This group has been surrounded by an exploding computing power of the Web being seen as an everyday commodity to them. There overexposure to technology has a profound effect on the way they obtain, process, and share information. This is different from generations that came before them. These coherent characteristics point towards a new way of work relationships, organizational structure, and how leadership is conceptualized.

As a trainer it’s important to understand the three types of analysis, Organizational, Task, and Personal and the role that each one of them plays in the needs assessment process. It is important to know the company strategic goals. An important aspect of organizational analysis is communication. Communication is plays an important factor that has great impact in the organization. Communication helps with organizational interactions with your peers, coworkers, and decision-making. Technology is another important form of communication channel for the millennial generation. Communication channels such emails, Internet, texting, social media among other platforms. Various channels of communication affect every generation in the organization.

In a diverse work environment different generations prefer to communicate in different ways. It is important for managers to understand these differences. The different generations can benefit from each other and create a positive work environment. Employers must create an environment where coworkers are able to coexist together. Being able to adapt, communicate, and envision is core competency that a manager should have when interacting and working with millennials in today’s work environment. It’s important for managers to understand that each generation has different values and work experiences. It’s important for managers to understand the difference among the different generations specifically working with the millennial generations.

It’s vital not only to understand, but being able to adjust and have the necessary tools to be successful. The following article highlights these core competencies that managers should have in working with the millennials generations. An employer’s brand is used as an effective strategy for motivating employees to live the brand. It is not sufficient to focus on generic measurements such as friendliness and competence; employees must be motivated to be able give their best. It is the responsibility of the manager to identify the attributes of the organization which employees find the most attractive. Managerial efforts to support employees’ motivation represent one of the most challenging parts of a manager’s job. This is a key determinant of how effectively a manager nurtures and supports employees.

The quality of motivation is important. Motivation should be constructive and should provide high-quantity work motivation. Getting to know about trainee’s culture; looking at them when you are teaching; responding to their questions; supporting them; and mostly acknowledging them. “Need theories suggest that to motivate learning, trainers should identify trainees’ needs and communicate how training program content relates to fulfilling these needs.” How do these two theories apply in my workplace?

I work for a public transportation company where every success is measured in terms of yearly earnings- how much does the company profit? Again, this most of the time is been determined by the requirements and recommendations of a specific expected outcome which are only best known by the upper management of the company. This is what I consider that the function of a theory is to predict outcomes. This theory might give explanations either from a realistic point of view or the anti- realistic point of examination. The realistic point of view posits that whatever entity that exists, is a description of literal reality.


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The Character And Leadership. (2022, Apr 09). Retrieved from