The Caring Nature of Atticus Finch in Harper Lee’s to Kill a Mockingbird

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What is your interpretation of Atticus? Do you suppose he is a caring person or think otherwise? Lets get on the same page. Atticus Finch is a lawyer and attorney in Maycomb, Alabama. He is a caring and very determined man who has two children Scout and Jem he cares about so dearly. He sets a bold and very intelligent influence on his children that helps them along the way. In Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird, I will be explaining how Atticus Finch is a caring person.

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Now to support my thesis, I will be giving you fascinating examples of how Atticus Finch is a caring person. Atticus has two kids who tend to fight when they disagree on things or want something the other person has. Atticus always has a word of his own to make sure his kids know he equally cares about both of them and wants things to be solved right. “When Jem an’ I fuss Atticus doesn’t ever just listen to Jems side of it, he hears mine too” (76). This quote was from Scout, Atticus’s daughter showing us how her father cares about both sides of the story and never leaves one out. This quote shows Atticus cares about Scout and Jem equally by listening to both of their sides and understanding both of them.

Next, I will be giving you another example of how Atticus is a caring person. When Jem is having problems that bring him down or affect him in a negative manner Atticus tells Jem not to care about what people think and to keep his head high. “No matter what anyone says to you, don’t let ’em get your goat (76). In this quote Atticus shows he cares by helping his son Jem solve his problems and keeping him calm cool, and collective. This proves Atticus is a caring person to his children and his town.

Next, I will be giving you another example of how Atticus is a caring person. When Jem is having problems that bring him down or affect him in a negative manner Atticus tells Jem not to care about what people think and to keep his head high. “No matter what anyone says to you, don’t let ’em get your goat”(76). In this quote Atticus shows he cares by helping his son Jem solve his problems and keeping him calm, cool, and collective. This proves Atticus is a caring person to his children and his town.

Finally, I will be giving one more good reason Atticus is a caring person and no matter what try’s his best to fix all problems. Atticus wanted Scout to develop empathy and respect for the people she doesn’t know everything about. He told her You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”(33). This was Atticus giving her a good example to live off of this is him showing he cares about her and wants her to be a good person. This shows us that Atticus is a caring person and would do anything for his kids or to help them understand things better.

Thus, to conclude, in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, I have explained how Atticus Finch is a caring individual. Throughout the book, Atticus expresses sentiments that portray him as a genuinely compassionate person. He repeatedly shows concern for his children and consciously sets examples for them, intending for them to follow his lead. Atticus is an exemplary father. He profoundly impacts Scout by assisting her through numerous problems and providing valuable advice which aids her to be the best version of herself. His presence in the story is crucial, as the storyline would be incomplete without him. Without him, the children wouldn’t be themselves; his inherent positivity and respectful nature wouldn’t exist.

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The Caring Nature of Atticus Finch in Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird. (2023, Feb 02). Retrieved from