Take your Time Back: Time Management

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Updated: Aug 17, 2023
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A new, crucial resource; chasing deadlines and multiple priorities, is now our daily reality. We live in a time when knowledge is so readily available that it’s no longer a matter of money or other hard resources to achieve our goals. Currently, the most valuable resource is time!

With enough time, you can acquire the right knowledge, skills, money, relationships, and anything else that you need to achieve your goals. The challenge, though, is that there are so many things competing for your time! Career opportunities are greater than ever, and this applies whether you’re an employee or running your own business.

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You work hard, but then you become concerned about achieving a work-life balance. It’s difficult to also find time for your friends and family. Thanks to technology and global connections, our world is changing really fast. If you’re interested in this book, you can probably feel that pace and understand how it impacts your time.

Time goes really fast, and it seems you can do little about it. Not true at all! Time flies, but remember that you are the pilot. It doesn’t take too much effort to realize how to spend your time properly. This book will give you the tools to regain control over your time. In that way, you will ensure you spend it on things that really matter most to you.

You can do it using three simple steps, each described in a separate chapter. First, you start by understanding how you currently spend your time. It includes a double-check to ensure that this is indeed how you want to utilize your time. Second, you build your own, new approach, customized to your specific situation. Here, you ensure that you spend time on matters that are most important to you. In chapter two, you will find plenty of tips on how to create your own time management routine. Third, you make your new approach a reality. This is the most important step. Thanks to chapters two and three, you will gain a good understanding of your current routine and how you would like to change it. The third chapter provides you with the tools to make it happen! This is the most difficult step, which is why there are plenty of tools to choose from. If you get it right, it will make a significant difference in your life!

I have also added a small bonus section: ‘WOO – Watch Out For…’ It is really useful as it lists key things that could come your way. You will find things like disruptions, procrastination, multitasking, TV and social media, or simply small defeats. All of these can easily interfere with your routine change. Keeping an eye on these can help a lot!

Finally, I did my best to ensure this book is not too long. It kind of defeats the purpose if a time management book is too time-consuming, right? Thus, I focus on the three-step process mentioned above and a bonus section. Across the three chapters mentioned, you will find several dozen time management techniques. All of that was done to give you juicy content!

My personal perspective.

Let’s take a moment to revisit the topic of our busy lives in today’s world. I myself have been in exactly the same situation. There are many competing priorities each day, week, and month. I value my career because I enjoy what I do. Additionally, I have a fantastic family – my wife, Maja, and three small children, John, Robert, and Lilly. I aim to dedicate my best time to them. As you can imagine, raising three small children is a time-consuming project! I am also a big fan of personal development, hence, I love to read about this topic and work on my own growth. Moreover, I enjoy sharing the knowledge I have in this area. I do this through my blog (tomdulz.com), coaching sessions, and by writing books like this one. Not to mention my other hobbies: mountain biking, jogging, and going to the cinema.

As you can see, there are quite a few competing priorities above. I struggled for a long time to balance all of these and make sure I made intended progress in each area. Then, I decided to understand the topic of time management more. I have read a few books and tested multiple techniques. I learned a lot from my own experience, having so many things on my mind for a while. Also, I was fortunate enough to have a few mentors who opened my eyes in many areas – time management included. What I found out was not only ways to manage my time effectively, but also how important the topic of time is nowadays.

Various tools and techniques described in this book have helped me tremendously in both my professional and personal life. There are a number of things I value which I could mention here, but let’s just name a few. I managed to push my career forward, finding an area which gives me great satisfaction both financially and non-financially. I have

I wrote this book and continue to work on future writings, as this is my passion. I habitually disseminate knowledge I value, via social media platforms such as YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook. I reside in a beautiful area surrounded by mountains. In conclusion, I am blessed with three wonderful kids and a great wife. Above all, I have time to share with them!

I am convinced that if you use the knowledge covered in this book, you will be able to use your time effectively. This will help you to achieve the things you truly want. Time management is a great place to start. Once you feel confident there, you will see a number of opportunities emerge. Managing your time is key, as it gives you a foundation to work on other areas of your growth. This is very evident in a quote by Peter Drucker mentioned below: “Long story short, if you are not able to manage your time, there is little else you can manage.”

“Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.”

Peter Drucker

Moreover, it is very important for you to understand that this is just a guideline. You will find plenty of tested tips, techniques, and advice here. Nonetheless, each of these needs to be adjusted to your specific situation. Try and test them, and you will see the significant outcomes they can bring. Take back your time!

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Take Your Time Back: Time Management. (2022, Aug 20). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/take-your-time-back-time-management/