Recent Zombie Outbreak Plaguing the World

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Updated: Mar 27, 2023
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I am writing to inform the readers about the recent zombie outbreak plaguing the world. As of today, 2 billion humans have died, and more are becoming infected each and every day. We have been studying the zombies to try and deduce what is causing the infection in the first place. It seems that a rare chemical imbalance involving too much serotonin, epinephrine, and dopamine is the problem. The zombies are called “bipolar” because of their mood swings. In some cases, you can see them walking around lazily, and at other times you see them running toward people.

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But worry not; here at Atlanta C-3, we have discovered a cure. It is called Pancreas. It targets the chemical imbalances that make the zombies bipolar. However, Pancreas only works in some zombies. In some cases, Pancreas can cause the host’s brain to die, but it stops the urge to cannibalize and reanimate after death. If the cure wears off, then the zombies will go back to their bipolar, cannibalistic ways.

Zombie Paper

The day is November 5, 2018. We have known about the epidemic for about one year. It seems that it is growing rather quickly. We are all out of pizza. I do not know what to do. We have no way of telling who is infected. Our best bet is to kill everyone that we come across. The zombie outbreak has become an extremely pressing matter. About 2 billion humans have been infected. However, hope is not lost yet.
We here at Atlanta C-3 have captured some of the infected. We are working towards finding a cure. In fact, we have a prototype. It is called Pancreas. The Pancreas cure targets the chemical imbalances that are brought on by the zombie infection. We hope that this will eventually work and cure the zombies, reverting them back to the humans they once were.

The day is December 25, 2018. The epidemic has continued to grow. Only the social elites and world leaders are left. We were forced to hide out in an underground facility to continue our research efforts. Three days ago, we had a miracle breakthrough. The Pancreas IV cure has cured our first zombie test subject. His name is Pete. There were some complications, however. Pete does not remember much. It seems that the Pancreas II cure does not bring back their human memories.

About a month ago, we cured Pete. He has been living in the world ever since. We sent him vials of the Pancreas II cure, and he takes them every month. It seems that the cure makes him invulnerable to zombie bites. Now we just have to distribute this across the entire world.
After researching different dispersal methods, we decided to release it into the air. The wind and ocean currents will carry it across the whole world.

After about a year, the cure has been dispersed across the world. The zombies have been stopped. However, there is another problem. It seems that if the cured zombie stops taking the cure, then it will turn back into a zombie. The cure does stop their cannibalistic, bipolar ways.

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Recent Zombie Outbreak Plaguing the World. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from