Problem of Suicides Among Teenagers

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Suicides among young people continue to be a serious problem. In fact, suicide is the second leading cause of death for all Americans from children and young adults age 5 to 34 years old (Business Insider). What exactly is the problem, the majority of children and pubescent who attempt suicide have an extraordinary mental health disorder, usually just occur depression. Although younger preadolescence, suicide attempts are often more impulsive. Usually may be associated with feelings such as confusion, sadness, anger, or not getting enough attention.

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Among teenagers, suicide attempts may be corresponding with feelings such as self-doubt, stress, financial uncertainty, disappointment, pressure, and fear of failure. More so often for some teens, they see suicide as their only solution to their problems. In addition to depression, other risk suicidal factors include a family history of suicide attempts, exposure to violence, bullying, feeling helplessness or hopelessness, and disruptive behavior.

Therefore, a survey was given out to 13,633 United States high school students to determine the suicidal attempts and possession of injury or poisoning themselves. In that matter, early treatment is key but the longer a person goes untreated the higher risk of other complications such as being unemployed and abuse of medication usage. As data was also analyzed by the different ratio in females suicide rates compared with male suicide rates.

Development changes in the adolescent brain may make teens vulnerable to suicide.

A survey was given out to 13,633 United States high school students and found 17% seriously considered attempting suicide, 14% planned how they would attempt suicide, 8% attempted suicide at least once, and 3% made a suicide attempt that resulted in an injury, poisoning, or overdose (Health Wise). Executive functions such as decision making and planning can causean adolescent to act based on their moods. People with higher levels of cortisol are most likely to become depressed. This is why depression is such a major risk factor for suicide among teens. Bullying is another risk factor, students who are bullied are more than twice as likely to attempt suicide than those who aren’t bullied. Schools have been sued for negligence for failing to notify parents if the child appears suicidal, talking about suicide or death, and hinting that the child lost interest in school as well as making friends. Any child or preadolescence with suicidal thoughts or plans should be evaluated immediately. However, people often feel uncomfortable talking
about suicide but rather than not acknowledging the situation and putting neglective thoughts inside the suicidal mind, instead ask questions towards the person who needs help.

Suicidal thoughts can quickly escalate to be a suicide attempt, so a person suffering from suicidal ideation needs treatment before actual planning begins. Therefore, it can provide assurance that somebody cares and will give the suicidal the relief to express their problems.

Parents, teachers, and friends should always observer a person behavior and to be cautious for their overall safety. Along with risk factors, there are also factors that protect against teen suicide such as access to treatments, family support, and religious beliefs. By understanding the risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs. We can help prevent suicide in adolescence.

People who experience mood swings associated with bipolar disorder. Early intervention and treatment are important because the longer a person goes untreated, the more likely they are to be at risk for depression, suicide, and other complications like increased drug and alcohol use, unemployment, and relationship issue (Business Insider). Untreated clinical depression increases the chance of risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol addiction. It can also ruin relationships, cause problems at work or home, and make it difficult to overcome serious illness.

Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way you feel about yourself, surroundings, and cognition. Clinical depression cannot simply put themselves together, without proper treatment such as antidepressant and psychotherapy. Alcohol and drug abuse are common among people with clinical depression. Signs of drug and alcohol abuse are unexplained memory loss, inability to maintain personal relationships, and unwillingness to talk about drugs or alcohol. Especially common among teens and it is very important to encourage these people to get help because they are more likely to attempt suicide. Those who suffer depression and abuse drugs or alcohol may need very specialized treatment. Men who have untreated clinical depression may exhibit more frustration, anger, and violent behavior than women. Untreated depression can render people disabled in their work life, social life, and family life. Living with a depressed person can be very stressful and difficult for family members and friends. Throughout, depression can carry a high risk of suicide and this is the worst but very real outcome of untreated or treated depression. Often it’s helpful to have a family member involved in the evaluation and treatment of a clinically depressed relative, even family therapy can help. There is also a variety of medication that can be used to treat depression or reduce symptoms, it is better to undergo through treatment instead of creating more complications.

There are several gender differences regarding suicide, involving the differences in suicide rates from female and males. The age-adjusted rate of suicide among females increased by 50% from 2000 through 2016, while the rate for males increased by 21%. Compared with rates in 2000, the suicide rate in 2016 was higher for females in all age group for those aged 10-74 and for males aged 15-17 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Suicide was identified using International Classification of Diseases, categorized by the means of suicide involved based on the underlying cause of death. Statistics found that females are roughly more likely to attempt suicide, though males are more likely to die from suicide. Between males and females is the method of suicide used, males tend to choose violent suicide methods such as firearms, jumping, and hanging. In general, females tend to use a greater variety of suicide methods than males such as drowning, self-poisoning, and sharp objects.

Even with the same method of suicide is used by males and females, attempts by males tend to be more serious and severe. Major depression occurs in roughly half of people who commit suicide, both males and females have differences in this regard as well. Females are twice as likely as men to carry a diagnosis of major depression, though it’s also known that females are more likely to seek treatment for depression than males. The gender roles stereotype of males being strong and aggressive, perhaps causing males to select a more violent method of suicide. While as females stereotypes being soft and open-minded, perhaps giving the option to express weakness and ask for help during suicidal attempts. Suicide attempts should always be taken seriously and regardless of gender differences in suicide, everyone should be aware of the risk factors and warning signs of suicide.

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Problem of Suicides Among Teenagers. (2020, Aug 27). Retrieved from