Positive Social Changes

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Updated: Jun 29, 2022
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Category:Social Change
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Nottage play opens your eyes and heart to a torn country in Central Africa called Democratic Republic of the Congo a small mining town. A town that has an estimated 28 trillion dollars of valuable minerals that lies underground along with gold, tin diamonds and coltan. Ruined takes you in the world of rape, greed, killing, surviving and Mama Nadi’s world. Also we will see Ruined help with social change.

Lynn Nottage, speak on all the rape that goes on in that Country, they are raping the babies, little girl, women, grandmothers also men and boys; no one is untouchable when it comes to rape.

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They are being raped by Government troops along with the United Nation that are suppose to protect them. Some of the women are ruined and cast out of their villages, family or anyone else does not want anything to do with them even though it’s not their fault. There are so many rapes case there many do not report it due to they are ashamed. When a woman is ruined their woman part had been viciously destroyed, some live with it and are looked down on and some are fortune to get surgery to live a better life. Nottage, takes you into the world of greed by the minors and the military people stealing from the mine and killing the minors to take what they dig up and harvest like rubber, cocoa, minerals and coltan, the land here is rich.

There is so much killing here up until 2008 an estimated 5.4 million people have died, it’s stated as the most deadly since WWII. The United States keep the peace forces were unable to stop the fighting. Going into Mama Nadi world we have a woman that runs a brothel for survival she takes in women that was cast out of villages. Mama takes good care of them except she uses them to make money for the brothel and bar. You can look at this as, if she’s making a living then the girls are also she took them under her wings and she is the protector of these girls along with a few kids. Mama is a little bitter she knows about being loved and not wanted by men. Mama has a love interest by she is afraid he not going to want her because she is ruined.

Ruined is an effective vehicle for social change, we look at where Mama willing to sell her diamond which she calls her insurance policy that was going to be used to buy her a house where she can garden. With love in her heart she wants to sell it and the all money giving to one of her girls. The girl is ruined and Mama wants her to go to a doctor and get herself fix and live life. Positive social changes have been going on; there are different people and groups that are working with the women. They have done 205,000 reconstruction surgeries on the women and some multi times to correct the destruction that was done to them. Other Doctors are being trained to help with the surgeries. 1994, 200 million refuge into Zaire. They have many new villages; one the city of joy opened March 2010 for women, they teach them how to live life, make money and to reconnect to their families.

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Positive Social Changes. (2022, Jun 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/positive-social-changes/