Own Work and their own Thinking

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Updated: Jun 29, 2022
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Plagiarism is one kind of kidnapping technique, which is another word for “brainchild snatching”. However, it is used to steal other peoples’ thoughts and concepts. Plagiarists can be done by copying & pasting direct quotes, changing multiple words and putting them without quotation marks merely to state that this is their own work and their own thinking. According to videos, plagiarists have been created bogus authors and false citation information. In reality, these bogus authors are not even existed regardless of being researched on them.

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Plagiarizing can cause a person to violate academic integrity. DPI stands for Department of Plagiarism Investigation. In addition, DPI does not ever exist in the world. Most plagiarists plagiarized due to many several reasons such as their urgency to get the assignment done by hook or crook, for ransom etc.

Sometimes, plagiarism happened in both intentionally and unintentionally. However, some peoples might not know about plagiarism being an issue, therefore, they may have done it unintentionally. Either way, Paraphrasing is also same as copying someone else’s notes and concepts if a person does not put someone else’s notes in their own words. Otherwise, it would be like taking someone else’s credit for the work they have done by snatching their own rights. However, quoting someone else’s work as its original writer after paraphrasing can be another form of plagiarism. Many techniques can be adapted to prevent plagiarism such as putting a statement in quotation marks. This means you are not stealing someone else’ work and declaring them as your work.

Plagiarism can take place on any grading papers such as discussion postings, research papers, presentations, homework, and many other assignments. In each graded assignment, we must cite sources we get from others’ ideas and add them appropriately using quotations with respect to its original authors. Best way to prevent plagiarism is to either paraphrase in quotation marks or to summarize in quotation mark. Summarizing can be done by picking out the most important words & concepts and putting them into your own words.

A student can violate the academic integrity policy by copying others’ work and presenting as their own work or papers. I will comply with the academic integrity procedure for all coursework this semester in this class because I would like to do my own work and present my own idea to the instructor. This way, I will get to learn by myself and I gets to use my own concepts and opinions. Self-learning is an excellent way just for anybody in order to learn everything by themselves and presenting their own creations as their work. I will learn all practices of citations such as MLA, APA, and other citation styles. Overall, I will implement those citations on several types of papers, discussion posts, and assignments based on which citations method my instructor would prefer.


  1. UofM Baltimore Writing Center. (August 9, 2017). The Art of Paraphrasing: Avoiding Plagiarism. Retrieved, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1qo10dG5Gw
  2. Brock Library. (September 2, 2014). What is plagiarism and how to avoid it. Retrieved, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pmab92ghG0M
  3. Ted-Ed. (June 14, 2013). The punishable perils of plagiarism – Melissa Huseman D’Annunzio. Retrieved, from
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Own Work And Their Own Thinking. (2022, Jun 29). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/own-work-and-their-own-thinking/