Online Health System Management

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Updated: May 08, 2023
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The objective of the project is to provide essential medical services online to users irrespective of their location. Users can connect through their home internet to get these services. The motivation to build the system is that very few or no doctors are available at remote locations, limited hour services and lack of sophisticated medical equipment’s and no patients history/lab data management. Research, identification, analysis, and assessment of health management education and training needs are basic preconditions for the development and implementation of adequate programs to meet those needs.

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Strategic plan: It talks about defining the strategy of the organization. It also helps in directing the control mechanism to implement the strategy. Events or list of actions that define the interactions between the system and its role. Use case diagrams are used in the higher level rather than by software engineers working on the system. Business impact analysis can be defined as an analysis conducted to predict the consequences or the disruptions that might occur in a business function. This can be rectified by gathering information from various departments and developing recovery strategies.

Functional analysis: This analysis talks about a problem which is broken down into parts and sub parts and are divided equally and they come up with a solution by identifying where exactly the issues are occurring and try and resolve the issue from root level. Rational rose tool- It is a design software development tool which creates models under object-oriented programming language. E.g.: objects, entities Visio case tool- It is a tool used for database design, maintenance and also for business analysis. E.g.: Microsoft Visio is used for geodatabase schema design Code generator- Computer generated code for object models in a system and it can be customised according to the model.

Maintenance hooks- The developer creates these hooks to gain access through the backdoor of the software without having to go through the normal access or security check mechanism. Persons needing medical services often need to travel long distances. Even in urban areas the service is sometimes not available immediately. Patients and doctors are hardly to communicate with each other’s. And also, patients had to wait for long time in order to communicate to the doctor. This is a web-based application which is available all the time. The system provides details of medical services online and allows users to interact with doctors and other medical personnel. The patients and doctors are interacting with chatting applications at their relative places. Initially the doctors had got the patients details in the online by help of admin people in order to communicate in chat.

The analysis of healthcare management talks about enabling the use and assimilation of new information and use for planning purposes or for creating a system of planning. Also, the group of analytical skill is composed of three categories of skills, including. Planning talks about the ability of seeing things from a broader perspective, conceptualizing, set theory, predicting the future and developing long-term plans. Quantitative data analysis, Ability to use analytical tools/techniques from functional disciplines (finance, marketing, operations management), statistics and computers to analyse information’s.

Case tools are used to automate the software system before it goes into production. It helps in cleaning up any security related issues and improves the performance and enhances the software. Permeating the software development process with security helps in the maintenance and enhancement of the software in the longer run. Enforcing these standards helps protect the software by being vulnerable for misuse. Data collected helps in maintain the personal records of patients. It is user friendly system and the users can also talk with doctors with special concerns and they help schedule the appointment and the tests to be performed.

Improvement needs also the planning skills or determining the most important goals of the organization and plans for achieving those goals. The basic function of planning is conceptual and analytical ability, the ability to think about strategies and select those strategies that determine the direction of the organization and incorporate methods, approaches and structures in the official plans. Despite a slightly higher level of knowledge and skills that managers are presented in the group of action skills they will certainly need further improvement because of the importance they have in overall functional unity of health managers.

It provides theoretical and practical contribution to the further academic and professional development of health managers and setting through documenting information and collecting and storing huge numbers of data. This research also presents a clear profile of necessary managerial skills and competences which are required from health managers in performing their own functions, and it also presents a preliminary model of core competences and skills characterizing a competent health manager. Systematic assessment of the level of competences in relation to demands represents a true contribution of this study. Based on the identified areas, this research consequently allows the identification of primary areas in health management from which the education and development is needed in order to improve determined skills and competences.

Furthermore, the obtained results allow for the development of effective and efficient programs which will meet estimated needs for continuous education and development in health management. They also provide an opportunity to identify key managerial competences which are specific for the specific categories of managers. Making sure the data received is safe and secure and also can be used for further research and developing the website and making better interaction and receiving feedback from the users which would help improve the website.

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Online Health System Management. (2022, Jun 26). Retrieved from