Let them Fly: Addressing Child Labor and Fostering Education in Myanmar

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Updated: Sep 08, 2023
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Last year summer, I was in my country and I saw a boy who is just six or seven years old was working in the restaurant where I went. I asked that boy ‘Why are you working here?’ then he answered that his parents bring him here to work and he said he feels so exhausted every day and he wants to go to school.And I realized that there will be so many children who is working right now and they will be lack of education.

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When I got back home, I searched on google about Child labor im my country and I saw so many children who is working in the places where is so difficult to work even for adults like mining, child soldiers, construction and so many things. Everybody knows that our future is in the children’s hands and they can change the world so that we should give them chances to get education and the government should take seriously about child labor.

Child labor is one of the most serious problems in Myanmar. There are about 9.3% of the children population or over 1.13 million of children, according to 2015 Labour Force Survey Report, are being forced to work without their volition. Poverty leads to force children to work to support their families in another way.

There are many children who cannot go to school, improve their abilities or achieving their ambitions. But they are forced to work in many kinds of workplaces such as in fish market, tea shops, and some are selling flowers in traffic and some are collecting trashes and bottles and others even doing beggars on streets.Children in child labour must be withdrawn from all forms of work for which they have not reached the minimum age, and be ensured access to quality education.

There’s no law in Myanmar to prevent Child Labor yet. Even there’s a law in some undeveloped countries, forced labour is still prevalent in undeveloped countries. We should participate in implementing law to prevent child labor in Myanmar. Child workers should have the right to improve their lives so that they can earn money for their families, Child labour is a serious challenge for Myanmar, and eradicating the problem must be done for the sake of the country’s future.Government, employers, employees, local and international non-government groups as well as parents must cooperate in educating the public, identifying child workers and helping them.

So many children are still working in hazardous and unsafe forms of work in my country. There are over 600,000 Myanmar children engaged in hazardous work that harms their health, safety and morals. Ending child labour and promoting safe and healthy work for young people requires an integrated strategy and coordinated actions. The list of hazardous child labour must be finalized, along with the new Child Rights Law. The right of young workers to refuse to perform work that presents an imminent danger to their safety or health must be protected. Most of the children got diseases because of dynamite smells.

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Let Them Fly: Addressing Child Labor and Fostering Education in Myanmar. (2019, Jun 06). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/let-them-fly-addressing-child-labor-and-fostering-education-in-myanmar/