John Steinbeck Makes People

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John Steinbeck makes people feel that even though people have Hopes and dreams they can’t all be fulfilled and I think that us as a human society should not give up on our goals even though some of them cannot come true. Mice and Men, John Steinbeck’s story is based on the lives of two characters, Lennie and George, who lived during the Great Depression. For most, the future of Lennie and George seems slow, but in history we see that their strengths are people and they do not want to leave.

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Whatever happens with Lennie and George, they always behave well and concentrate on their hopes, dreams and everything they believe in the future. This concentration is like the light at the end of the tunnel for Lennie and George and it is of great importance to help them and continue their lives, although they can not be enough for hope and dreams to increase their time.

Lennie was physically strong, but also intellectually forced to become addicted to his friend George. Lennie is an unusual innocent lifestyle and often does not know what George said, although George mentioned his dream of one day, the greens grew and “lived” in the stomach with Lennie suddenly knew exactly what George was talking about. Lennie often answered “George’s bunny.” In Steinbeck’s story, it was clear that rabbits and other animals wanted Lenni one day, but it also gave the impression that Lennie, who often did not care about Georgia’s dream, had a sensor in his position and talked about himself and the “rabbit”. First, the authors Lennie and George went to the farm and saw that Lennie put the pipe in his pocket and told him to take it out, Lennie was very big and sad. She left the mouse at home, but when Lennie was sad, George reminded him that one day he might have different animals he had received. The dream of a day Many animals help Lennie to work hard to leave in the future.

Lennie and George share some of the same dreams, but everyone has their own ideas, Lennie’s favorite subject is in the rabbit, but it is the dream of Georgia a day in which no one will tell you what happened and that there is nothing to answer. Sometimes, George wants a life that does not need to take care of Lennie; Of course, George does not argue with Lennie and says that if he is alone, he does not need to worry about Lenni, he can “live with ease”. Under George’s story, he shared his dreams of a better life with Cheaters after Lennie began counting them. The truth is that the dream of George and Lennie really underlines the fact that in difficult times of great depression and how they live in a community of dogs, George fears that if they share their dreams, others try to find the country they would buy and buy.

Candy worked in the field for many years, using Lennie and George and a good person. Major changes occur in Candy’s life after Lennie and George started working in the field. The decision was made to have a cute dog that had been for years. Candy recognizes this decision when Carlson and other male households point to Candy Candy to “stink”. When Candy’s candy ended, Candy was tired because she was the only one, Candy went into a state of depression and nonviolence and did not react when she spoke a couple of days and cried when she was in her stomach. Candy felt when George and Lennie told her that she could be with them when they lived in the yard, and while they were not sure they were going to live on the farm, Candy would live. You can give Candy a bigger goal and help her survive the pain of losing her lost friend.

Hope and dreams help people survive in everyday life. They give us reasons to continue and lead difficult times and difficult times. Although things have not changed, as Lennie and George expect, they continued to help them continue their lives.

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John Steinbeck Makes People. (2020, Mar 19). Retrieved from