How Indigenous Peoples Reacted to the Dissolution of Countries

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During the Industrial Revolution, Europeans looked for new inventions such as the spinning Jenny and cotton gin that would help them industrialize.That was a way to show their global influence since other nations such as the United States and Japan also had to industrialize in order to catch up to them.

Although some indigenous people looked forward to their state expansion, other indigenous people reacted badly to show that they are against the power and some indigenous people even used the power of the military to stop any kind of foreign influence and expansion.

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Some indigenous people’s reaction to the state expansion was very peaceful compared to others since they only did nonviolent protests and arrangements to stop Europeans from invading their native lands.

In Document one, Ashanti leader from West Africa, Prempeh I is not accepting the offer of the British to be their protectorate status. This shows that there is a resistance towards any kind of European influence, but that could have been the only thing they could do, resist and decline, since Europeans have power. Prempeh was most likely frightened and could only act nicely through his reply so there isn’t a war with the British, since they really don’t have much power. Similar to when the Europeans took over some land in Africa in the Berlin Conference which led to Africans resisting against them and being unfriendly towards them. Many saw how Europeans treated the colonized so they also rejected them like Prempeh. In Document four, the Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii is protesting against the United States since they are trying to take away her land with no right procedure. This shows that she has calmly protested to the United States for her well deserved land.

On the other hand, some indigenous people used military power to resist against any foreign influence. Like in Document two, it describes how civilians created an army against the Japanese, Righteous Army. This shows that people didn’t take well the news of the Japanese and Chinese sentiments since they build up military power to show a more ambiguous way to stop foreign influence. Korea used to be territory of the Chinese but after the Sino-Japanese war the Japanese took over it.Korea was exploited by many foreign influences, and the best way to resist was by building an army.In Document three, thePrempeh Ethiopians are fighting against the Italian troops in the Battle of Adowa1896 and they were victorious.

This shows that the indigenous people have decide to fight against the Italian expansion in their territory.Ethiopia was a one of the areas that rarely got colonized which shows that the indigenous population resistance and protest was very successful. However in Document five, the Javanese rulers chose the side of foreign populations to save and protect themselves.It shows that they had to put their pride aside so they could have kept their original position.Raden Ajeng Kartini must have really disappointed other rulers in the Dutch government because her people had to take a hit.

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How Indigenous Peoples Reacted to the Dissolution of Countries. (2021, Oct 20). Retrieved from