Global Wise Sex Education in Elementary Schools

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“Instead of fighting with each other, let’s try to avoid child rapes in future by having sex Education necessary from the nursery classes.”- Unknown author. According to national Conference of state legislatures, 24 states and the District of Columbia require that public schools include Sex Education as a part of their curriculum (Blackman, K & Scotti, S,2019). Texas requires the health department to develop models to help the education programs and further educate students about AIDS and HIV infections. “These programs must be scientifically accurate and factually correct.

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” (Blackman, K & Scotti, S,2019).

During an evolution in 2011, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that more than 47 percent of high school students have admitted to having sexual intercourse. Not, to mention the 15 percent that have had sex with four or more partners during their lifetime (Blackman, K & Scotti, S,2019). Although the teen pregnancy and birth rates have declined since the accumulation of data started, America still has the highest birth rate worldwide. According to statistics obtained by the Guttmacher

Institute, our teen birth rate is almost twice as high as those in England and Canada. It is eight times as high as the teen rates in Netherlands and in Japan. (Blackman, K & Scotti, S,2019).

Due to the sensitivity of this topic and little criteria that must be met, it can be quite difficult and uncomfortable to teach to an adolescent. In result, cause no education to students about sexual education, its actions such as HIV and STDS and its consequences. According to CDC, one in four girls have been impregnated and given birth at least once before their 20th birthday. Based off, this statistic, teen mothers are less likely to finish high school and more likely to live in poverty, depend on government assistance and have poor health compared to their peers. The national Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy estimated that teen childbearing costs taxpayers at least 9.4 billion dollars annually. (Blackman, K & Scotti, S,2019).

As it is mentioned in ABC news, the way schools teach Sex ED, and their requirements in other countries varies around the world. In states like Delaware, Georgia and Iowa, abstinence only sex ed programs are taught to students which often leaves teens out of touch with the general concept (Dr. Kathryn J. Horton,2016). Sex Ed programs varies in progressive countries such as the Netherlands and Sweden which have lower teen pregnancy rates compared to the abstinence only programs are in some parts of the United States (Dr. Kathryn J. Horton,2016)

Sex Ed should begin in elementary schools in America with curriculum starting off as the reproductive system. As students get older, and understand more of the concept, sex ed should proceed with life during and after pregnancy as well as HIV/ STD education and simulated baby experience. With these types of criteria and learning environments, teen birth rates would continue decline even further. According to National Conference of State Legislatures, as of January 1st, 2014, every state in the United States is required to have an informative sex education course (Grace Glen, 2019). Each state’s course requires different criteria to be met with at least nineteen states also requiring medically accurate information during their lesson plans. Although each state has their own set of requirements, at least thirty-seven states allow parents to be involved and gives them the opportunity to opt their children out of the required course. This option allows parents to teach their children at home about the matter. Even though there are compelling arguments as to if public schools should teach Sex Ed or abstinence only courses, according to NPR, teens should learn about sex education in public schools. (Grace Glen, 2019)

Roughly forty-six percent of Americans believe both abstinence and contraception should be taught in the public-school Sexual Education programs. According to Advocates for Youth, these courses should include medically accurate information, age appropriate sexual health information, behavior, and teen pregnancy prevention also communication skills with refusal, no means no and negotiation from both parties. With these newly and improved recommended course requirements, it allows educators to approach the sensitive topic of sex and educating young students. It will not only continuously decrease the teen pregnancy rate, but also educate students in a more medically informative and environmentally comfortable way.

Studies of globalization is the course of action which businesses and other organizations develop an international influence and start on projects to help the world internationally. This training involves the study global issues such as plastic in the ocean and how it’s effecting the wildlife who lives there, the drastic temperature changes, which effects our food, wildlife and the overall health of our planet. When it comes a contemporary issue regarding globalization and its effects, there are many issues to discuss and or elaborate on. One of our biggest issues in today’s environment is how much trash and plastic is in our ocean and how it is negatively affecting its wildlife.

According to Plastic Pollution Today’s environmental problems mostly caused by our careless actions when it comes to the health of this planet and our human activities. Pollution and the exhaustion of natural resources such as our water, oxygen, minerals and planet life, has led to the diminishment of the quality of our plant and animal biodiversity. Due to the negligent actions such as burning coal and fossil fuels, environmental pollution such as air and water, and the burning of gas; had led to the loss of wilderness. The mortification of ecosystems and climate change are a few of the many drastic changes caused caused by humans (Cochrane, 2007). Due to the technological advancement that science and computers has offered us, humans have transformed and destroyed nature as far back as centuries. At this point, our future on this planet is questionable. If drastic changes aren’t made to positively help the planet, it is helpless to save the earth. The deterioration of our environment, if not produced by technology can cause a technological problem. Technology needs to be used for research to help find solutions. Throughout time, there has been hundreds and millions of dollars have been donated, raised and earned to improving the quality of the environment. With the intentions that much, more will be spent in the future for further positive effects. Throughout time, despite these intense efforts, the hope of ‘saving the environment’, is questionable. Whether these current scientific and technological approaches will be effective, it is in our best efforts to still try. (Huesemann, 2001: 271-272).

Humans tends to act oblivious to an extremely serious matter. Due to the technological advances in the past, such as the assemblage of fossil fuels, burning goals, gas, and the spectacular increases in food production such as genetically modified organisms. The improved plant breeding techniques has had a positive and negative effect such as having both raised living standards and imposed unexpected and undesirable side effects on the environment (Bowers, 2010). The industry and mass consumption have also increased the energy needs of a growing global population. These issues are moderately responsible for pollution, the resource exhaustion and species extinction. Globalization has played an effect on and sometimes nurtured these developments. Due to these humane activities around the world, it has left an obscene ecological footprint.

Even though the effects of globalization are worldwide, in some places it has been affected worse than others. For instance, the melting of the ice caps in Antarctica has left these animals such as polar bears, penguins, and seals to find cooler places to live due to the lack of food and drastic weather change. Another example of today’s globalization’s negative environmental impact is the seas that are filled with plastic. Leaving its wildlife such as turtles, whales, sea lions, dolphins, and fish eating it thinking it is food. According to the National Geographic article, a pregnant sperm whale washed up dead on a beach in Italy with its stomach filled with almost 50 pounds of plastic. An example of how we effect the world on an everyday bases is, our choice of everyday transport such as the bus (Huvart and Verdier, 2013).

In conclusion to this issue, these harmful effects show themselves in cities and waters with pollution, overcrowded urbanization, destruction of historical environment and overpopulation. Before we find technical solutions to environmental problems, we need to continuously bring awareness to this dire environmental crisis. Educating people on this environmental issue is a very important when it comes to the place we live. The carelessness of how us as humans not only affects us and our children but also our plants and animals and the quality of the world, we live in. For a start, can to create more eco friendly technology such as our cars, and biodegradable items in replacement for plastic.

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Global Wise Sex Education in Elementary Schools. (2021, Mar 16). Retrieved from