Persona of Sam Walton

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Updated: Mar 14, 2023
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How it works

Sam Walton was an up-rising business owner before he unlocked the doors for the beginning of the first Walmart©  in 1962.  He and his wife operated the Ben Franklin©. discount dime chain stores, Sam Walton’s had a vision for the outlook of his new store, which is similar to the mission statement for Walmart© today To have

“Lowest prices anytime, anywhere©

According to my research on©, Sam Waltonwas prosperous in the first five year duration with a revenue of  .

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7 million. In 1970, the company became publicly traded and. formally named Walmart Stores©, Inc©. Then, as a decade passed the company not only opened a membership-retail store we know as Sam’s Club© today, along with the first Walmart© Supercenter©, they also, exceeded one billion dollars in store sales.

Mission Statement

Before Sam Walton passed away in 1992 he received The Presidential Medal of Freedom from the President and with these words he designed a goal for the company

“If we work together, we’ll lower the cost of living for everyone. We’ll give an opportunity to see what it’s like to save and have a better life.©

Yet, through my readings I understand that Walmart© offers training programs to help their associates in their career within Walmart© yet, the company can afford to pay every employee $12 an hour and still maintain a profit yet they do not. I have interviewed 3 employees at my local Walmart©, According to their website it states there is open door policy for employee and managers to communicate any problems, the employees I interviewed found that to be hypocritical. They stated every store has turn over in management and whenever we get a decent manager they get transferred or moved to another store. So this writer questions is the company is to better the lives for consumer or stakeholder’s doesn’t that also include their employees?

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Persona Of Sam Walton. (2019, Jun 28). Retrieved from