Dunkin’ Donuts Vs. Starbucks

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Updated: Mar 14, 2023
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Dunkin Donut

Dunkin Donut is targeting the market of mostly white or Caucasian middle-age consumers ages 25-45 years old. These consumers are likely to be professional white collard job workers and blue collared job workers with an average salary of $35,000 a year. An example of Dunkin Donut’s customer persona is Christian Anderson who has a family and working as an HR consultant and a businessman. He loves to go food, and caffeinated beverages to make him awake and alive the whole day of work.

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  Coffee is a part of Christian’s lifestyle, that is why every morning as he goes to work he needs to have a cup of coffee to boost his energy up. Though where he lives (America) is a bustling place to work, Christian loves to drive thru Dunkin Donut because of their fast service and cheap menu. This allows him to drink while driving or have it in his office while he reads a newspaper or news online and updates about his work and business.


Starbucks’ is targeting mainly two target group which are, first, adults ages 25-44 years old who has a high level of income ($90,000 a year). Second, young adults ages 18-24 years old who belong to rich families. This group belongs to the upper-middle class who are educated, who are willing to pay high for a quality and premium cup of coffee. A good example of Starbucks persona is Tom Williams, 30 years old, a business owner in town who has a small family of four. He is a very determined and ambitious business owner who works hard for his family and the future of his kids. Every morning as he goes to work, he always drives thru Starbucks to grab his favorite coffee to make him alive the whole day of work. Sometimes if he didn’t have a chance to drop by in the morning, he goes there for lunch bringing his laptop and dine in one of its stores to continue doing his updates for work while enjoying the ambiance and aroma of the coffee. He also does some meetings and transaction in this shop (Starbucks). Second Starbucks persona is Kim Jones, 20 years old, a college student who loves to hang out with her friends to one of Starbucks coffee shops.  Kim’s father works in a bank, and her mom works as an Assistant Manager of a hotel in town. She’s an easy outgoing kind of person and loves using her social media and posting updates wherever she goes. Starbucks is a place for her not just to hang out, but also it serves as a place where she can do her assignments, term papers, while she enjoys her Frappuccino.

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Dunkin' Donuts vs. Starbucks. (2019, Nov 16). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/dunkin-donuts-vs-starbucks/