Douglass and Whitman Argumentative Solution on a Contemporary Problem about Race Relations

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Douglass and Whitman Argumentative Solution on a Contemporary Problem about Race Relations

This essay evaluates the contrasting ideologies of Frederick Douglass and Walt Whitman, two influential figures in American literature and civil rights. Through an argumentative lens, it proposes a synthesized viewpoint that harmonizes their perspectives, aiming for a holistic understanding of their era’s social dynamics. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Frederick Douglass topic.

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Racist and racism are stimulating words in American society. To some extent, these words have reached the level of curse words in their offensiveness. Yet, racist and racism are descriptive words of a reality that cannot be denied. One of the renowned writers in English literature has given us some solutions to this contemporary problem. Walt Whitman has commonly been professed as one of the few white American writers who excelled the racial attitudes of his time, a great prophet rejoicing the cultural and racial multiplicity and embodying democratic ideals.

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When I think about Walt Whitman the first thing that comes to my mind is a big part of his poetic philosophy is kind of have a free spirit and treating everyone equally. He is against slavery at the time and against about racism. Even though he had his struggles of being gay at a time when people take that as the end of the world. Comparatively even five to ten years ago people in America had a concept that being homosexual is not the end of the world. But in his time slavery and being homosexual exiles were the same thing and you could be killed or be in prison. But it gives Whitman in his poetry the view of what his ‘his’ person if everyone knew he would be condemned as well. So, he had to live with that. That is why Whitman is considered as the first epic American poet who believes that we should treat each other equal.

Frederick Douglass’s writing has also given us the viewpoint about racial judgment remains and which were a substantial problem back then, this must be understood against the contextual of extraordinary progress since decades. And the fact of the matter is that there is mostly no practicable alternative to some form of favorable action if we want to pledge the evil effects of certain forms of insight. Thus, although Whitman’s racist opinions of blacks, shaped in part by the bad science of the day, were inconsistent and at times unsure, his poetic vision stimulated a way past his own conventional limitations toward better justice. His solution to the inconsistency was to avoid racial subjects, much as he would avoid issues about the massacre being committed against Native Americans. He could not even resolve such inconsistencies in his own spirit. Therefore, the first thing I consider as I explore this is the reality that Americans don’t really believe America darn aware of. In the same way, Douglass was writing for people who are not used to hearing this.

He is talking to people through his writing only look at other Americans misconception of slavery today and American slavery was a part of the worldwide system. but by focusing on it he was writing for people who can only think of black people as ‘slaves’ that’s all they can be and that is what civil war was about. People of north say that as human being we can’t deal with the slavery anymore. And then Douglass is coming in and saying why don’t I write and speak to everyone through my writing. As a result, both writers grab the attention of people who would not normally pay them any mind. As we can see for both sides of this issue that people voted is one of the most stressful if we added the likes of Douglass and Whitman into this dialogue and calm people for a second and brought intelligent wisdom into this that might solve a lot of problems.

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Douglass and Whitman Argumentative Solution on a Contemporary Problem About Race Relations. (2019, Mar 28). Retrieved from