Donald Trump’s First Year in Office

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Updated: Mar 14, 2023
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 Donald Trump began his first year in office on January 20, 2017. Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States, following the previous President Barack Obama. Trump won the vote in January over Hillary Clinton. President Trump and his wife, the first lady Melania also attended three balls that evening on January 20. Shortly after Donald Trump was sworn in as President of the United States, he gathered lawmakers, and his wife to watch Trump take his first presidential actions such as signing paperwork and legal documents.

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Trump signed his name on presidential documents. He signed a proclamation for a National Day of Patriotism, people for his cabinet, and a waiver allowing retired Marine General James Mattis to become the Secretary of Defense.

Trump also suspended a housing order that had benefited people buying new homes. It will increase the amount of money that most non-wealthy mortgage holders must pay to the Federal Housing Authority’s insurance program.         Not long after Trump set out a few tweets from his account. He restated what he said during his first speech that Americans have taken back power from the government. Trump said, “The day would be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.” He also promised to bring America back to its former glory.        

Trump’s administration updated the White House’s website. They wrote that Trump is committed to eliminating bad and unneeded policies from the previous President Barack Obama. In Trumps first executive order, he directed government agencies to scale back Affordable Care Act regulations that would allow agencies to delay or bypass provisions of the law. His administration also ordered a freeze on all pending government regulations in order to review and approve them, a move that former Obama also took after he was inaugurated. In the afternoon the President attended a lunch that was put on by Congress in the Capitol. Later in the evening, he attended three official inaugural balls

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Donald Trump's First Year in Office. (2019, Mar 26). Retrieved from