Date Rape Drugs, Gang Rape and Campus Rape

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Across the United States, rape is the most under-reported crime. Rape is a crime because all crimes show immature, illegal, and punishable acts of an offense. There are many types of rape that happen all over the country. Most of the ones that are heard about in the news include gang rape, statutory rape, date rape, and campus rape. Clearly, rape is a crime because it is a type of sexual assault which happens through intercourse or penetration without given consent.

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Rape is a crime because it is immature. Many people who are not fully developed think it is okay when they rape someone. They just think it is okay and move on to the next day. It is very sickening to think that there are tons of people out there who are like this. You many even have someone in your family who is a rapist and don’t even know about it. In eight out of 10 cases of rape, the victim knew the perpetrator (NSVRC). Many people who become rapists show just how immature they really are. They are acting upon an innocent person and leaving that memory with them forever. An article on a boys coach who was accused of assault says he was ‘immature’. “I was very immature and when I look back now I could have been more responsible and handled things better. I realise that it was childish and I should’ve stopped.” He is now facing charges of attempted murder, rape, sexual assault, and sexual grooming (TheCitizen). Once rapists are found guilty, most of them plead to feeling immature and stupid. They should’ve known not to the wrongful things that they did but kept doing it anyway. “It was stupid and immature thing to do. And in doing so, I have hurt an let my family, club, manager, teammates and the Drogheda fans down and I’m sure many more” (Fitzmaurice).

Rape is a crime because it is illegal. It is against the law and can be classified into many different categories, such as actus reus, mens rea, attendant circumstances, redefinitions and statute. Actus reus (criminal act) is the function that incorporates the physical components of a crime as needed by law. This basically means a guilty act in the crime. An example of this would be when parents would retain the essentials of what they need in order to live for their children. Mens rea is a criminal intent. So if you were to imply force intentionally, that would be considered as mens rea. Attendant circumstances are all the facts that are local to the event. Some examples of attendant circumstances include the time and place, aggravating or mitigating, apology or no apology, emotional states, and so many others. Redefinitions and statue are broken down into a few different types of laws like marital rape and marry-your-rapist. Marital rape happens when someone is raped by the person they are married too. In the United States today, marital rape is illegal in all fifty states. Approximately 10-14% of married women are raped by their husbands (Bergen & Barnhill). Marry-your-rapist law is obviously when you marry your rapist and the rapist will not be accused. In many other countries like Afghanistan, Bahrain, and Bangladesh, rape is not illegal. All of these types of laws are reasons why rape is a crime because it is illegal.

Rape is a crime because you will get punished. In most countries, rapists will be incarcerated. Sometimes when people get punished for raping it’s called castration. This is where the male testicles get cut off for their wrongdoings. In some cases, rapists get shorter sentences than others. They won’t have to give as much time. In other countries around the world, rape is punishable by death in United Arab Emirates, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, North Korea, and many more.

Gang rape and statutory rape are crimes. Gang rape happens when a group of people rape a single person. This type of rape can also be called “group rape”, “party rape”, or multiple perpetrator rape”. Most victims of this gang rape tend to be younger. Statutory rape is another type of crime that happens all across the United States. This type of rape is when sexual intercourse happens with a minor. Most states across the country have a law that you have to be at least sixteen years old to give consent. Some states set it to be seventeen or eighteen. There are many factors when it comes to the punishment of statutory rape. The age difference between the people matters greatly. Also, if you live in the same household as your rapist it plays a huge factor in statutory rape. If the rapist has had any other sex offenses, they will be charged more. Another factor is if the rapist is a teacher or other type of faculty member at the school that the victim attends, they will be punished greatly. Both of these types of rape are crimes.

Date rape and campus rape are crimes. Date rape happens when you are raped by someone you know (most of the time when you are dating). Many date rapes happen due to drugs, especially when there is alcohol present. Date rape drugs are used to assault people. You will not be able to tell if someone has drugged you. That is why you should never drink from someone else and to always keep your drink with you at all times. Campus rape is when someone is sexually assaulted by a student or professor who goes to the college/university. Among undergraduate students, 23.1% of females and 5.4% of males experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation (Rainn). Campus rape has the highest amount of victims during the ages of 18-24. Many campuses have increased their technology so cases like this should never happen. They have more cameras in all areas of the campus, and have higher safety patrols for the times that are needed.

Overall, rape is a crime because all crimes are illegal, immature, and show punishable acts of an offense. This essay introduced many rapes that happen across the United States. Some of the more popular crimes that you hear about on the news are gang rape, statutory rape, date rape, and campus rape. I hope that after you have read this that you will agree with me that rape is a crime.

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Date Rape Drugs, Gang Rape and Campus Rape. (2021, Aug 04). Retrieved from