Customer Loyalty as a Part of Profitable Business

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Updated: Aug 15, 2023
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How it works

Any company works to improve overall performance by increasing revenues, reducing costs, and expanding over a wider geographical area to increase reach and network. Along with an increase in customer flow, an effort is made to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Bad costs are curtailed and good costs are leveraged by generating value much higher than the resources deployed. Thus, project management helps reduce expenses and focuses on improving productivity of manpower and other resources.

Organizations constantly face constraints of resources, mainly time, money, and people, and there is constant pressure to ensure quality work output.

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In such a scenario, there must be a scientific approach to work by creating a proper structure and sequence. This is where Project Management comes into play.

Project Management includes identifying the requirements from different stakeholders, structuring them properly to create common ground, and defining clear objectives along with details of scope, quality, and timelines. Thus, project management helps create a proper framework and blueprint which has to be executed. Generally, projects are chaotic due to many uncontrollable variables. With project management, things are organized and planned well so that organizations have better control over the unpredictable and chaotic business environment.

Apart from chaos, there’s also an element of risk in most projects. If not managed, risks can result in loss and legal complications. Project management helps identify potential risk factors, and plans alternate courses of action to manage and control the risk.

In addition, project management helps ensure that the desired quality of outcomes is achieved in a structured manner, not in an ad hoc way. It also helps integrate projects with the overall organization’s systems and processes. Project management ensures that unwanted experimentation isn’t done, thus controlling losses. Furthermore, execution and results are monitored at every step so that lessons are learned to improve the quality of planning for future projects. Project management is a proactive approach, which implies that the company saves a lot by avoiding problems and deploying corrective measures.

The three factors that companies consider while determining the hurdle rate of return on a capital project are as follows:

a. General Economic Conditions:
These general economic conditions determine the riskiness of the project, as they dictate the supply and demand of capital within the economy. This factor also accounts for the expected level of inflation. When the demand for the product declines due to an existing surplus, the general economic conditions of the product shift, increasing the chance of the project becoming risky as the supply increases and demand decreases.

b. Market Condition:
The market condition must suit the product to avoid risk in the project. The nature of securities and risk-free securities offered by organizations is vital to successful business operations.

c. Financing Costs:
This is the most important factor that the organization needs to forecast when calculating the returns on a project. When the company has sufficient cash, it will have a risk-free business. When the organization runs short of cash or runs out of cash, the company will be in the risk zone.

Market performance:

Choosing the correct Project Management software depends on various factors. With so many options available on the market, how do you choose the tool most suited to your needs? Knowing what factors to consider is crucial. I have listed below the key things to consider, helping you to identify the effective tools available and those that are not fit for the job.

1. Coordinated effort
Does the framework fit into the class that matches the requirements of your organization? Does it encourage you to work more efficiently? Project Management software should facilitate collaboration on projects so teams can work together remotely as well as on-site. Collaboration enables a higher level of cooperation and makes it easier for each team member to contribute their input at every stage of the project life cycle.
2. Adaptability
You should not need to change the way the association is run to accommodate a new system. Leading Project Management software is configurable and can be made to fit around your organization’s needs. Focus on the levels of customization offered. This becomes significant across all team sizes, organization types as business demands, and working patterns are bound to change over an undefined period.
3. Versatility

As your business develops, the demands on the software will increase as well. Limited features may be too constricting a few years down the line. Are add-ons available, such as storage space or extra modules? Any project management system you consider should be able to grow with your business and support it.

Customer satisfaction: I assume that one of the statements is your outcome of interest; something like, ‘I am satisfied with my customer experience.’ You want to tie back both the responses to other questions, as well as demographic, transactional, profile information about your customers to this outcome statement. If so, your question sounds like what is often called ‘key driver analysis’. In my experience, there is never just one driver; there are multiple, and those drivers change for different customer profiles.

Do you have a hypothesized framework for what drives satisfaction? Do you believe that there is some unmeasured, latent influence on satisfaction that is expressed by the things you can measure? If so, you might use structural equation modeling or a confirmatory factor analysis to confirm or refute your hypotheses.

Otherwise, you might look at techniques such as partial least squares or principal components regression. These techniques do not come from a preconceived hypothesis about how the world works. You may even learn a great deal simply by visualizing the correlations between different survey item responses and your satisfaction outcome measurement- no formal model needed.

Internal indicator: internal factors that influence strategy formulation with in an MNC

  • Technology used in production
  • Manpower in the organization
  • Manufacturing process
  • Distribution channels
  • Culture within the organization
  • Know-how used
  • External factors that influence formulation within an MNC
  • Competition in the market
  • Number and types of customers & suppliers
  • Regulatory factors, like food supply
  • Social factors
  • Political factors prevailing in the business’s country

Financial Effort: The financial performance of a business is the use of resources to get the maximum returns and revenues. The qualitative factors are as follows:

Production Facilities: These include land, labor, materials, etc. Establishing a good reputation today paves the way for tomorrow’s business. An analyst should examine such relationships. Timely payments to suppliers, offering discounts, etc., improve relationships, which in turn increase future performance.

Brand Loyalty: This is customers’ satisfaction with a product. If such loyalty is established in the market, product demand is unlikely to decrease in the future. An analyst should observe how much brand loyalty a business has established. If it is very high today, we can anticipate that future performance should be good.

Capacity Utilization: Future performance depends on capacity. Some capacities are machine-oriented, while others are labor-oriented. Today’s unused capacity could be utilized in the future to improve performance.

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Customer loyalty as a part of profitable business. (2022, Nov 17). Retrieved from