Characterization of a Lactobacillus Brevis Strain with Potential Oral

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That severely compromises human health. Probiotic therapy has been applied to oral pathologies that may result from overuse and misuse of antibiotics and the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains. Evidence suggests that lactobacillus strains produce antimicrobial properties like hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid and prevent the growth of oral pathogens. The adhesion of lactobacillus strains in oral epithelial cells also suggest the prevention of oral pathogenic colonization. However, too much acid production from lactobacillus may also lead to tooth damage and or tooth decay.

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The aim of the study was to characterize lactobacillus strains along with their potential probiotic benefits to oral health that include antimicrobial properties and the capability of its polysaccharides to adhere to oral epithelial cells thus preventing pathogenesis.

What was the hypothesis (or hypothesis) under investigation?

Scientists conducted further research on ?Lactobacillus?, a probiotic genera used to treat oral infections, so it was tested to see if ?Lactobacillus? can be used to inhibit oral pathogen species. This hypothesis predicts that the probiotic properties of ?Lactobacillus ?can help in preventing the spread or growth of oral pathogens.

What were the major results and did they support or negate the hypothesis?

The major result found in this study was that a specific oral microbe isolated known as Lactobacillus brevis BBE-Y52 did in fact have antimicrobial action against Streptococcus mutans. As a result, this specific isolate can now be further investigated in its future application in oral care products. ?L. brevis ?is a weak acid producer and has the ability to adhere to oral Running Head: JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW epithelial cells increasing its protective action against dental caries and tooth decay. Thus, the results of the study supported the hypothesis that the isolated ?Lactobacillus? could offer oral health benefits. Which key techniques were used to achieve these results? Various techniques were used in order to see if in fact the Lactobacillus strains have oral hygiene benefits. First and foremost, Lactobacillus stains need to be isolated and grown in the lab. The microbe strains were collected from human saliva and dental plaques samples from a group of ten healthy donors. The way that the Lactobacillus strains were isolated were by using serial dilution on MRS agar and incubated at 37°C with microaerophilic conditions, then DNA was collected and extracted from the strains using EZNA genomic DNA isolation kits. In order to test the antimicrobial action of the Lactobacillus strains that were isolated against Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans), the agar well-diffusion method was used.

Zones of inhibition indicate that the strains were able to inhibit growth of S. mutans. Both Lactobacillus strains and S. mutans were analyzed for their acid production. This was done by inoculating each one in MRS broth and analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography after 24-hour incubation. Lactic acid levels were detected at 210 nm. ?Various other detection techniques were used. Tests such as detection of acid resistance of ?Lactobacillus?, detection of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) and hydrogen peroxide. Susceptibility of lactobacilli to lysozyme, hydrogen peroxide, and antibiotics were also done. Different assays were done as well in order to test the ?Lactobacillus ? ability to prevent of aggregation and biofilms formation. An assay was also done to test how well ?Lactobacillus ?strains adhere in the oral cavity which in turn determines it ability to adhere to oral cavity cells. Running Head: JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW D. Why are the results significant and do they point to further/future studies? The impact of these results can be used to further advance dental care. Despite being a weak acid producer, bacteria L. Brevis BBE-Y52 secretions of hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid demonstrate antimicrobial activities against tooth decay. Its properties such as its capacity to adhere to oral epithelial cells can be studied to help develop new techniques and methods in preservation of the oral cavity.

Further research and understanding of how L. brevis BBE-Y52 prohibites the spread of bacteria such as streptococcus mutans could potentially lead to vaccinations, and other preventive measures of tooth decay. E. Why did you choose this particular article to review? Was it interesting, informative, clearly written, or non of the about? We chose this article primarily because it was interesting, and most of the study included microbes that we have been learning about throughout the term making it easier to comprehend. The article is clear, concise, and easy to understand in the manner in which it is written, as well as displays integrity by means of the studies performed. The information provided is also knowledge that can be useful in our healthcare career as nurses, and it can be useful in day to day activity. It is incredibly valuable to have a strong understanding of bacteria and how they interact with one another in their natural environment. This article gives us a breakdown of the probiotic benefits that L. brevis provides. This further builds upon the foundation of knowledge of various bacterial life and how we use it to further our health.


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Characterization of a Lactobacillus Brevis Strain with Potential Oral. (2019, Aug 13). Retrieved from