Body Cameras for Police

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Police officers wearing body cameras can provide protection for officers, victims, and accused individuals.

Body cameras are compact and portable, and officers wear the camera throughout their shift. They are about the size of a deck of cards and can be mounted to hats, helmets, sunglasses, lapels or uniform collars.

The reasons body cameras provide protection for officers is because it can help decisions made by officers to be reviewed and evaluated. Recorded video evidence refutes false claim against officers. Can record victim statement and witness account.

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Recorded video can be used for evidence that is difficult to refute in court.

Body cameras can provide protection for accused individuals because it reduces 50 percent of the force officers show (insert source here). When being recorded, it is likely to Prevent unnecessary confrontations between officers and civilians. Cameras show if the officer reasoning was justified for arresting the accused individual. It clears documentation from officers.

Body cameras provide protection for victims. Eliminates victims from having to remember stuff months later in court. Better presentation higher conviction to rates, fewer trails. Fewer recanting victims. Eliminates cops from asking the same questions and because the answers always recorded.

It’s been a tumultuous and difficult environment for police officers in the U.S. as of late. Fair or not, a handful of incidents have left many in America deeply skeptical of law enforcement procedures and how officers handle potentially contentious situations. One of the proposed solutions to this issue is to equip police officers with body cameras. To some, this sounds like a slam dunk; but others have reservations. To help understand the dispute, we enlisted some law enforcement experts to weigh in on the pros and cons of police body cameras.

Videos of police shootings have become critical to determining what happened in situations that turn deadly. In some cases, strapping cigarette pack-size cameras to officers’ uniforms has been framed as a way to curb police brutality and stem deteriorating trust in law enforcement.

Police officers are responsible for a lot of equipment, and while some might bristle at the thought of adding more to the list, the cameras used for law enforcement are not bulky or particularly burdensome. But the smallest cameras are about the size of a tube of lipstick and can be mounted in a variety of locations on an officer’s body. Altogether the camera and battery pack weigh just less than a quarter of a pound.

Police body cameras do raise some substantial privacy issues. The nature of police work has officers interacting with citizens during their most vulnerable moments. For example, would you feel comfortable knowing anyone could request to view video of an incident that occurred within your home. Or footage of you if you’ve been the victim of a crime. Will officers have the discretion to turn off the camera in sensitive or potentially dangerous situations.

The pros clearly outweigh the cons when it comes to body cameras and their use for law enforcement agencies. With recent high profile events involving civil unrest, body cameras are being rapidly adopted not only by police officers, but other first responders as well.

Although it may seem like the positive effects of having the police wear body cameras outweighs any negative effects, there is another side. If the police are recording everything are they encroaching on personal privacy, Many people would say yes. What if a potential suspect does not want to be recorded. Is the recording infringing on his rights. During an arrest, police cannot turn off the camera, so the suspect will be recorded whether or not he agrees.

Another consideration is whether the police would modify their actions or whether their performance would be hindered because they know they are being recorded. Does having everything recorded cause them to act differently, and what effect do the recordings have on how the community perceives the police; for the better or worse.

Every year there are complaints of police officers allegedly using their power and weapons in ways that may or may not have followed correct police procedures. There are also cases where the officers’ reports differ from the suspect’s account of what happened. Cops will use body cameras on there body known as body cameras but they also use a camera called a dashboard camera so that they can get car chases on camera just like they will get a chase on feet with a body camera. To protect both sides, video documentation can provide the answer. Requiring officers to wear cameras allows for greater transparency on the job. Additional benefits of the use of body cameras includes better evidence collection, enhanced officer accountability, more accurate documentation of the events, improved communication between the police and the public, and the ability to use the videos as training tools for improving police performance.

After a series of high-profile police shootings, police departments across the nation turned to body cameras, hoping they would curb abuses. But a rigorous study released Friday shows that they have almost no effect on officer behavior.

When it’s all said and done, police abuse misconduct and murders will continue to happen if we don’t do something to stop it. Body cameras are one of the most effective forms of showing basically everything in an incident. Victims and witnesses will be shown on a body camera, so it also shows how they act during an arrest. People don’t seem to see body cameras so whenever they do something against the law in an arrest it will most likely be used against them in court. Footage that a body camera picks up will only be used in certain arrangements and will not be shown publicly.

Some people think body cameras are a waste of money because it doesn’t change how cops act to victims, plus they can “accidently” cover the camera and say that they had no idea that it was covered.

In Conclusion, this essay proves how body cameras can provide protection for officers, victims, and accused individuals.

Work Cited

“Police Body Cameras Offer Protection for Officers, Publice.” Monroe Co

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Body Cameras for Police. (2019, May 26). Retrieved from