Anorexia is Primarily a Disease of the Nervous System

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Updated: Aug 15, 2023
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Eating disorder is a chronic clinical mental disorder that disrupts the psychological and social development of young people. Throughout research, it has been proven that face-to-face therapy is a better treatment than group treatments. Family-based treatment is a very effective treatment for teenagers who have anorexia. For family-based treatments, it has been proven that it is better for the parents to watch what their children are eating instead of having more multi-family settings.

Another approach that has been studied is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

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Even though CBT is a good treatment for teenagers, a family-based treatment is more efficient. Cognitive-behavioral therapy does not work exceedingly well for a long-term situation. In the article, “Recent Advances in Psychological Therapies for Eating Disorders,” it was stated that a therapy treatment called Specialist Supportive Clinical Management (SSCM) was found. It has been found that in the beginning of the study, SSCM was having better outcomes, but it had to be long-term for it to work. Another treatment is MANTRA, which is the Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults. This treatment has been compared to CBT but has been found to be less effective than CBT-E. Unfortunately, the treatment for adults with anorexia nervosa is still weak. Disordered eating and body image concerns increase the risk for severe weight-related problems.

Disordered eating can lead to depression, social functioning, and a poorer quality of life. Mobile phone applications can also play an important part of mental health services in teenagers since many adolescents use the internet on a regular basis. There is evidence that shows that mental health interventions have a positive effect on adolescents. It has been studied that online interventions have improved ED-related attitudes. There has been a study called “Healthy Teens @ School,” which is a preventative program for eating disorders and obesity in Europe. This originated from the US from a program called “Staying Fit.” The program is for students that are 14-19 years old. This study is taking place in Austria and Spain. There is an intervention group and a control group.

This study is to compare if internet-based/mobile-based treatment will have an effect on reducing eating behavior. The students that attend the schools that are part of this program all have a survey. The students will learn how to have balanced eating and exercise habits. Another intervention is the Mind-district platform. Each participant has unique access to the platform. The participants can communicate with the research team if they have any questions. They can also communicate anonymously. In this platform, there is something called a diary function which allows the participant to keep track of their food consumption and physical activities. The “Staying Fit” program wants to increase fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity. The goal is to develop healthy habits related to nutrition.

“Healthy Teens @ School” allows the students to access it at any time, but they should have at least half an hour completed in school. There were some good aspects about this program but also some challenges. Some good aspects include that the Healthy Habits program has been proven to reduce disordered eating behaviors. The Weight Management has also been proven to support weight loss.

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Anorexia Is Primarily a Disease of the Nervous System. (2022, Aug 26). Retrieved from