Andalusia Arabic Country

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Andalusia is an ancient name of the peninsula of the Iberian Islands. Currently, there are two countries, Portugal and Spain. The first battle for Muslims there was in 92 AH and after that was opened Andalusia in 107 AH after the victory of Tariq ibn Ziyad on the loot of the gothic unjust king is most of the army named Amazigh because they were and are still strong in the fight. Tariq ibn Ziyad with help from Musa bin Nusair opened large parts of Andalusia.

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Andalusia continued in the hands of Muslims for more than 700 years. The beginning of the Crusades on Andalusia comes from every direction and until the end of the Islamic rule of Andalusia after the signing of Prince Abu Abdullah al-Saghir with the Crusader Isabella and her husband unjust and unjust agreement and start another period of slaughtering and decimation and the Inquisition spread and Muslims started to murder without reasons.

An Islamic revolution started with the help of the Ottoman Empire in 1568 in order to rescue Andalusia, but this war has failed.

What if this war succeeded to return the Andalusia to Muslims?

What if Andalusia didn’t fall?

Andalusia Arabic country:

Before the fall of the Andalusia almost 90% of Andalusian people were Arabic speakers imagine the map of the Arab world if Andalusia didn’t fall

Also, Andalusia would be great mix of culture (Arab, Amazigh, Maurice). And Islam would be the official religion of Andalusia with 97% and 3% of other religions.

America will not be established if Andalusia didn’t fall:

If Andalusia did not fall, North and South America would become two Islamic continents because the Andalusian people knew about America and if Andalusia didn’t it might be the key for the Musulmans to open America and this will make Arabic Empire the largest Empire allover the world

France would be unable to reach Africa:

In the strategic location of Andalusia overlooking the glaciers of Gibraltar and the Atlantic, France, Britain and other countries will never think of connecting to Africa without Andalusia’s permissions. And this might save a lot of Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian people.

If the Andalusia didn’t fall the European countries would be one of the poorest countries nowadays. Also, the Arab Empire might secure some European countries because the Arabs would be in a great economic growth


To conclude, if the Andalusia didn’t fall, nowadays, the Arabic people might be living in a golden age and they might have a total control on almost 50% of the world wide and Islam might be the religion of the earth (with more than 70% are Muslims).

Everything I mentioned is based on probability only god know the truth. And maybe one day the Muslims might rescue the Andalusia

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Andalusia Arabic country. (2019, Apr 04). Retrieved from