Advances in Arts: Exploring the Evolution from Renaissance to Rococo

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Advances in arts and sciences generally go hand in hand, as we have seen from the Classical era to the Modern. This is true especially for the Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo eras. When we think of the arts and science of the Renaissance one man comes to mind before all others, Leonard da Vinci.

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Scientific expansion during the Baroque era was achieved with a shift towards observation. Scientific expansion during the Baroque era was achieved with a shift towards observation. When we think of the arts and science of the Renaissance one man comes to mind before all others, Leonard da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci’s portfolio could be thought of as one of the most impressive of all time. Masterpieces including the Mona Lisa, Last Supper, and the portrait of Ginevra de’ Benci and this is only a fraction of his work. (Biography, n.d.)

We also must respect the advancements he made in the sciences. His work ranged from being a mathematician, engineer, anatomist, architect, botanist and inventor. (Biography, n.d.) One drawing by da Vinci comes to mind and is often displayed as a symbol of the sciences, the Vitruvian Man. With this one sketch we see his application of both study of anatomy and mathematics. Inspired by the writings of Marcus Vitruvius, da Vinci this sketch combines Vitruvius along with da Vinci’s own observations. (Vitruvian Man, n.d.) A work of this nature brought forth art from mathematics and architecture. Scientific expansion during the Baroque era was achieved with a shift towards observation. Galileo and Newton both formed their groundbreaking theories by their individual observations of the world around them. (Batchelder, 2017)

The sciences becaim more mainstream and were even considered part of social events, a scene we can see depicted in Rembrandts The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulip. (Batchelder, 2017) Another painting where we can see the acceptance of science into social life during the Baroque area is in the depiction of Written Assignment Unit 4 3 Henri Testelin’s Colbert Presenting the Members of the Royal Academy of Science to Louis XIV in 1667. Scientific expansion during the Baroque era was achieved with a shift towards observation. During this period, we see a major influx of interest in scientific endeavors and a dropping of older traditions. (Wheeler, 2014)

A Philosopher Giving that Lecture on the Orrery, in which a Lamp is put in the Place of the Sun by Joseph Wright is an example of how society was moving towards more scientific pursuits. This painting also shows a few signs of a shift towards the neoclassical style that was soon to replace the Rococo. We have seen the advancement of art coincide with advancements of science. At times we see the unilateral rise to be dependent on one and other. The renaissance combined the roles of artist and scientist. The Baroque period had artist and scientist using the same methodology for their means. The Rococo period had one style influenced indirectly due to the result of societies acceptance of the other. This pattern of reciprocal influence, ever changing, is part of what make up humanity

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Advances in Arts: Exploring the Evolution From Renaissance to Rococo. (2020, Jan 02). Retrieved from